74- SH

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Triggering chapter! Mentions of abuse/bullying + SH.
Requested by Ladyolor . Feel free to talk to me if you need to. <3

Finney knocked on your door because he heard a hiss of pain. After he knocked, he heard some frantic movements before you called out.
"I'm alright! Still changing though." You said, successfully fighting back tears.
Finney was skeptical, however. But, he respects your privacy and left you alone.

After a few more minutes, you came out in a long sleeved shirt and baggy pants. You both sat down on the floor of your living room to start playing board games.

After a while, you stretched and your sleeve slightly rolled up a bit, revealing a cut on your forearm. Finney looked at it, concerned.
"Y/n, are you sure you're okay?" He asked. This was when you broke. You couldn't contain the tears anymore. They were rolling down your cheeks.
"Y-yeah, I am." You blatantly lied.
"Y/n you can talk to me if you ever need to. You know that, right?" Finney asked, placing a hand over yours.
"Yeah, I-I know." You said.

You didn't end up opening up to him, but he was there for you. He also cuddled you a lot.

Bruce was casually practicing baseball when he suddenly heard a group of girls. Bruce had a bad feeling so he went to investigate.

"Look! Y/n, if you don't want us hurting you, then why do you have the right to hurt yourself?" One girl snarled as the others snickered, holding your left arm up with the sleeve rolled down. You were slightly crying. Suddenly, Bruce ran over and yelled at the girls.
"Hey! Stop it!" He shouted. The girls seemed to run off before Bruce could do anything to them. Bruce stopped and checked on you. You were rubbing your wrist from how tightly one girl held your wrist up. "You okay?" Bruce asked, paying no mind to your self-induced injuries.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks." You thanked him as he helped you stand up.
"How long have they been doing this to you?" He asked as you two walked over to the bleachers.
"...Well...not too long, but not a very short time, either..." you admitted.
"Why didn't you tell me? Or your mom?" He asked.
"Well, they threatened me if I tried to." You said. Bruce was now full of so much rage he needed to hit a baseball right now before he snapped at those bullies.
"Alright, how about we play some baseball? Maybe it'll help you feel better?" Bruce asked with a smile.
"Sure. I'd like that." You said with a smile.

You two played ball for three hours that day.

You were drawing while Robin watched over you, when your sleeve slightly rolled up revealing some scars. He immediately stopped you. He'd noticed a bruise on your jaw earlier, too.

"Y/N, are you okay?" He asked.
"Huh? Yeah, why?" You asked. He glanced at your arm. Once you saw, you immediately pulled your sleeve back down.
"Its old, so it doesn't really matter." You said.
"No, no matter how old it is it still matters!" He exclaimed, worried.
"Robin, just leave it. I promise I'm okay." You said.
"No! I need to know who is making you feel like you need to do that." He said.
"Promise me you won't kill them?" You asked with a sigh, knowing he'd nag you about it all night.
"Promise!" He said, holding his pinky out. Your guys' pinkies intertwined and shook before letting go.
"Its just my...Its my dad, okay? His job and taking care of me and my siblings has been really tiring on him, so he's been...drinking. Which leads to him getting more aggressive...But it isn't his fault! His job is forcing him to work overtime, plus his six kids and being a single da-"
"Yeah well that doesn't give him the right to hurt you, y/n! This is also leading to you hurting yourself." Robin cut you off.
"But it isn't his fault, Robin! This is why I told you to drop it because my dad isn't the one to blame here!" You sobbed.
"But he's hurting you, amor. I don't want him hurting you or your siblings." Robin said.
"But it isn't his fault..." You weeped.
"I know thats what you think, but I think you should take a break from home or go get help." Robin recommended.

You two ended up working things out, and cuddling while watching movies.

-Once he saw he was pissed at whoever made you feel like this was necessary.
-He beat the shit out of them if you told him who.
-He didn't feel bad for it.
-Became 3x more protective when you two were outside together.
-Was more careful with how he spoke to you.

-Was scared when he saw them.
-He comforted you and cuddled you a lot.
-He did everything to make you feel better.
-Cooper was always near you at his house, almost like he knew.
-Although he couldn't physically overtake the bullies/abusers, he'd still be pissed at them and 'accidentally' teach Cooper how to attack and 'accidentally' follow them home and 'accidentally' attack them in the morning.

Zach: "no more stealing bread off the table for you mister" -Me to one of my four dogs, Buddy.

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