37- (͜͡T͜͡h͜͡e͜͡y͜͡ p͜͡a͜͡s͜͡s͜͡ o͜͡u͜͡t͜͡)͜͡

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Finney's dumbass decided to stay up all night studying and doing homework, so today when he came to school he was like a walking corpse.
"Seriously, Finney? You can't stay up all night studying. Honestly, studying becomes useless if you're too tired to even remember." You lectured.
"Yeah..." He mumbled right before stumbling over. You caught him in time so he wouldn't hit the floor. You checked him and saw that he was passed out.
"Dumbass..." You muttered as you dragged him to the nurse.

Bruce was playing his game at his very best today, you swore on that. It wasn't until Bruce got hit in the head with a ball that you started worrying about him.
"I'm...okay!" He said with evident dizziness. You shook your head slowly, in disbelief.
"Is this guy serious?" You mumbled.
After the game, Bruce came up to you and just...Flopped. He literally fell into your arms.
"Welp, guess I'm carrying you home too." You said, referring to the three books you had on you and him.

Unlike Finney, Robin stood up all night playing video games. He kept saying he was fine all day, until you guys arrived at your house.
"Can we just go to your room?" He begged.
"What? You tired?" You asked.
"Huh? No! I just like it more in there than here on your couch." He explained.
"Fine." You said before standing up and heading to your room. Robin followed behind you.
"Alright, so what are we gonna do-" You started, but you turned your head to the side as you stared at Robin's sleeping body on your bed. "I told this bitch to get some sleep last night and he didn't, now look where we are." You groaned. No, you didn't move him. He ended up waking up at nine p.m. and just spending the night.

He got into a fight and was absolutely exhausted. Once you saw him in the state he was in, you took him to your house because it was Friday and your house was closest.
You gently lied Vance on your couch and grabbed some medical supplies to help his wounds heal. After you were finished, you sat on the small space left on the couch at Vance's head. You ended up resting his head on your lap and you played with his hair.

He had extra papers to hand out, and he was super tired after his four hour shift that was usually only one.
"Paperboy!" You called out to Billy as he fell off his bike. You got over to his unconscious body and picked him up, inspecting him for any visible injury. You noticed a scratch on his arm, so you carried him to his house and knocked on his front door.
"Yes?" His mother asked. She started freaking out but thanked you when she saw you carrying Billy. She took him and called you to tell you that he was fine later.

TBP preferences because I said soTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang