67- Soft Vance hcs.

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Requested by vances_doll basically, just some soft head cannons of Vance. :)

-He likes being big spoon if spooning, but when he's having a bad day he asks shyly, "Hey babe, can I be little spoon this time...?"
-Sometimes he'll just turn and nuzzle his face into your chest if he needs more warmth or more comfort.
-Head strokes make him feel good. No matter if its him stroking your head or vice versa, he adores it.
-he likes having a candle lit of your guys' favorite scent, because it reminds him even more of you even though you're right there.
-He likes it if you're wearing something baggy because sometimes he'll just...Swoosh. Now your both in the same shirt, cuddling.
-Gets scared if your fingertips or entire body is cold, so if that happens he brings out his thickest blanket he owns thats six inches thick (15 cm.)
-prefers cuddling in your bed than his.
-Likes to listen to a playlist you two created.
-best weather when you two cuddle: storming/raining.

At school:
-Will take you to the grab-n-go during lunch break even though you two aren't supposed to.
-Loves to kiss you on the way there and hold your hand.
-If he's feeling good, he'll do the occasional 'twirl' thing. Y'know, he spins you around while holding your hand above your head? Yeah that.
-If anyone speaks poorly about you and he heard, he comforts you before fighting them after school ends.
-If he gets bullied he shrugs it off but vents to you later, which usually results in cuddles.
-He'll slip cute little notes in your locker whenever he can (sometimes he'll even put a sticker in there).
-secretly dating, so if anyone notices something he'll say you two are just best friends. If they question further he'll start pulling some dirt on them. (Blackmail, people. Blackmail.)

-He'll fake yawn before putting and arm over your shoulders.
-Light kisses if out in public, but oh my god when it's a private date-
-Hates when the date ends and 99% of the time he'll either go home with you or vice versa, but mostly your house.

-When he gets tired, he'll ask if you wanted to cuddle.
-If you don't want to cuddle, he'll stay awake as much as he can until he just falls asleep while you're braiding his hair or something.
-If you wake him up he'll say sorry before chugging an energy drink despite it rarely ever working on him.

-He likes it when you braid his hair, but doesn't like when you brush it because it hurts.
-Loves board games so much.
-He also likes walks or dancing in the rain with you.
-Obviously loves it when you two go and play pinball together.
-If you need attention he already has your favorite things memorized and starts doing stuff you like with him.
-He's competitive, so he likes competitions between you two. Sometimes it's art, pinball, or board game competitions between you two, he loves it.

Zach: once again, kinda rushed. I hope it's still good enough though! <3

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