Chapter 38: Player Izuku in RWBY

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Music of the time. . .

Valley of death - Skillet

Izuku pov

A few months have passed since we reacted to those universes, I wonder if we'll see more of this. . .

My relationship with the girls is getting different to say the least, they seem to look at me differently after everything we've seen, I can't say what it is. . . Izumi mostly started to get closer to me. . .

Suddenly me and the other people who were reacting with us went back to the place where we reacted to the universes. . .

pov narrator

Fubuky: Hello again. . .

Izuku: You brought us here for the same reasons as before?

Fubuky: Precisely. . .

Izumi: Which universe are we going to react to now?

Fubuky: Will the. . .

Player Izuku in RWBY do thedemonkingsean

Izuku: What is this universe about?

Fubuky: Look, as far as I know you will have a quirk called "Player", from what I understand this quirk allows you to see your stats, improve them as you evolve, earn rewards for quests, have spells, abilities, basically it's like your life was like a video game. . .

Izumi: Do I exist in this reality?

Fubuky: As far as I know and what I've seen in the story so far. . . not. . .

Izumi looked kind of sad. . .

Fubuky: Well anyway look at the screen. . .

[screen turns on]

generating quirk...

Quirk generated!

Switching worlds...

Worlds switched!

Giving knowledge...

Given knowledge!

Waking player...

Player waking in321

Waking player

"Oww my head" our green hair protagonist Izuku midoriya said as he sat up waking from his nap "where am I" he said looking around noticing he was in the middle of the woods "h-hello any o-one there" he stuttered out standing up frantically looking around till he saw a pair of red eyes getting closer to him

Till he saw a giant creature approaching him "w-what is t-that t-thing" he said as I slowly backed into a tree as the creature towered over him. Time suddenly slowed as Izuku felt stronger 'what's happening why can't i move wait I can't speak

'Welcome Izuku midoriya

'Whos there' Izuku thought trying to look around

I am part of your quirk

"What do you mean I don't have a quirk' Izuku thought as he began to sweat as the creature very slowly lowers towards him but ended up stoping entirely

You do have a quirk it is a very powerful one it's called player'

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