Chapter 26

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April 9th, Saturday

I've been watching Shiho every day since we ran into each other on the rooftop. I still can't bring myself to talk to her, yet my sense of responsibility makes me look after her from afar. The number of bruises and bandages increases each day, not only on her but also on the rest of the volleyball team. I have no idea how people would think injuries like those could be from practice, it's clear abuse but either no one cares or they are just so stupid that they can't connect the dots. Probably both. At this point, I'm just waiting for Joker to show up. It's already been a week, and he still hasn't shown up. If I remember correctly, he comes when the cherry blossoms are in bloom. Even from up top the rooftop, the cherry blossoms are vibrant and scattering around in a slight flurry. They are all so beautiful yet they don't last that long. Soon they will all fall out and die once again. In fact, I think they'll be gone by the end of this month if not by the end of next week.

When will the story start!?

I feel so useless; just standing around and letting Shiho get tossed around like some sort of doll by Kamoshida. It's even worse since he's been making more moves on Ann as well. Just the other day he was walking Ann into the classroom and he was full, Mr.StealYaGirl; pulling the door open for her, complimenting her, even putting her on blast with his megaphone voice when he asked her when she was free to 'study'. When she refused, all the eyes in the Classroom were on him. His face had exploded in red and he took Mishima out with him. The next day, Mishima had a purple bruise just above his eyebrow and a cut lip. It was pretty obvious what had happened, but no one ever openly said it. If Joker doesn't come soon, I won't know what to do. 

The bell for the end of the day sounds, and I rise from my seat and then quickly make a beeline for the roof. It's what I've been doing since I ran into Shiho there the other day. To be honest, I am very worried she'd jump any day now. It's very evident by that the fact that since I've been doing this every day after school she usually shows up every day after school. On the second day, we didn't say much to each other. She saw me, said hello, and after the uncomfortable time of silence she left. Slowly enough, she would start conversations. Yesterday, we were talking for almost an hour. Every time she came through the door, she was on the verge of tears, yet after she'd left, she quietly gave her goodbyes and left like she was never there to begin with. I want to believe that talking with her every time she wanders up here, and leaves, I've helped her relieve a bit of her stress, but it's hard to think that with how frequently she comes up here.





Stepping off the train, I walk out of the station. The sky is dark, with a few brightly lit stars being barely visible; being drowned out by the city lights. I stayed on the school roof until I had seen Shiho walk out the school gate. The shadow behind her as she walked away, looked so big. Like something was following her. I'm just thinking about this too hard. Although I can't do anything, I've just got to make sure I can prevent Shiho from jumping. Opening the front door of Leblanc, the bell chime is out of tone. I swear is rust growing inside the bell?

"You're finally back." Sojiro is at the front counter, drying cups and other dishes. "Hey Sojiro." I slide my bag off my shoulder and make my way up the stairs. "Your dinner in the fridge!" Sojiro calls from downstairs. "Alright. Thank yo-" My bag slips from my hand as I stare at wide silver eyes, looking back down at me. A mop of curly dark hair, a slim figure, and was in the midst of changing his shirt. In a flash, I am back downstairs at the counter, behind Sojiro. "Ah, that's right, you have a roommate, starting today." Sojiro nonchalantly says. "You only tell me this now!!!" I swear if I could, I'd be grabbing Sojiro by the shoulders and swinging him around. My fuming is interrupted by the sound of the steps squeaking and the gray-eyed roommate walking down, with their shirt on fully now. God, out of all the times I could have met my roommate, it had to be in the middle of him changing!? How bad does my luck have to be!? I can't even look the guy in the face with how bad of a first impression I made!

"He will be your roommate from now on. He's here for pretty much the same reason as you. I expect you to be keeping him in line since you've been here longer than he has." Sojiro continues. "My name is Akira Kurusu. I'll be in your care from now on." My stomach sinks as soon as I hear his name. Akira Kurusu.

The name of the protagonist.

The first time I meet him is with his shirt off.


Hey there, Merp once again.

Uh, so it's been a good bit since I've done anything here. A good couple of reasons for that. Like life, school and life. Anyway, I plan on continuing to write, although I'm sure it will be painfully slow. Also wanted to take this time to say thank you to all those who have been reading this for so long. Not going to lie, it's really weird to see a bunch of random people reading the trash I write, but it's also nice that I'm not only writing for myself. Once again, Thank you all, and expect another chapter soon I just wanted to leave this off on a cliffhanger for the funsies.

Persona 5 reader insert -- Akira x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon