Chapter 12

446 15 1

February 1, Tuesday


I dive onto my bed. Sojiro really put me to work all morning. I cleaned the dishes and he made me hand out orders. I don't mind too much cause it's good practice to not be too nervous around strangers, yet it really tired me out. I need something sweet. I've been needing something sweet for a while. Trying to stay awake during class is hard without a lollipop. Oh, what about trying out that crepe shop on Shibuya. Ann has always said that it's really good. Although, what she orders is basically all sugar. It'd never hurt to try. I get up and pick up my wallet, phone, and jacket. I make my way to the shop on Shibuya.

I was so wrong. The shop has a long line. Normally, I wouldn't have a gripe about a long line, but a certain detective prince has brought his fans into this line. Goro Akechi. And of course, my luck would have it that I'm standing behind this detective. I wasn't really paying attention when I walked in line. I was only looking at the menu, not really paying attention. Trying to get a better view, I lost balance and bumped into Akechi. I apologized, and he said it was no problem then turns back around. Why does my luck have to be so good yet bad?! All I can hope is that he continues to ignore me if I look at my phone."Is this your first time coming here?" Akechi turns back around to me. Ah, why couldn't you ignore me? "Yeah it is, A friend recommended it to me." I politely smile. God, my hands are sweating. "Same. A colleague of mine recommended it to me, saying the peaches and cream one was to 'die' for." He motions. "That's nice. Do you like sweet things?" Akechi thinks. "I wouldn't say I'm particular towards sweet things. I thought it'd be good research into recent fads. Although I probably made it more hectic." Yeah no duh. There is a mountain of females behind me, digging daggers into my back. "Yeah, it seems to be a lot more people here than usual. Although I don't know why. Maybe there's a special today?" "That'd be great if there is." He says after a good bit. The conversation goes silent. Although I don't want to talk to him, I don't want to be in awkward silence. Luckily, Akechi was the next one to order. Once he gets his order he smiles and waves, then walks away. I swear I thought I heard some girls swoon. The next thing I know, about 5 girls from the line, run up to him and start chatting him up. That poor soul. Welp, none of my business. "Hey there, could I get an orange whipped crepe, please?" I order. I paid, then got my crepe. I turn to make a mad dash out of here. I don't want to stick around to see Akechi any longer. As I'm leaving, I turn back to see Akechi trying to excuse himself from the ladies, that's the price you pay for being a celebrity. I make it home and enjoy my crepe. It was pretty tasty. However, I wonder what that peaches and cream crepe tastes like.


Man, that crepe really hit the spot. I've never actually had a crepe in my world. Always wanted to, but hadn't had the time. I didn't really understand how Joker could only hand out with two people per day, but even talking to one has got me dead in bed. It's February now, yet I don't think I've done anything. Only kinda getting to know the main 3 from Sujin. Ann, Ryuji, and Makoto. Ann is carrying a heavy burden on her shoulders. Trying to keep her friend safe from a creep, yet having to get involved in the creep in the process. Funny enough, I'm doing the same thing as her. I can really only wait for Joker to come and help. Am I really even helping? Feels like I'm only adding to Kamoshida's greed. Perpetuating his ego to think he can do anything he wants. Wait a sec, should I even be friends with Shiho? If Kamoshida realizes that my weak spot is Shiho, then he'll demand more extreme stuff. Frig, man. Is the metaverse really the only way to make a difference? I have a theory on how to get into the metaverse or at least into Kamoshida's palace. If it's all simply on cognition, then would connecting my cognition to the palace would make an entrance. I only say this cause Akechi has been in a palace before. But in the game, didn't the nav only show up on his phone once he joined the phantom thieves? This is so complicated. I sit upon my bed; I should make infiltration tools! A lock pick should be pretty easy. I've had to make some before. The reason being; lost house keys. I want to make a smokescreen, but I don't really know how to put it together. All thats needed is 2x thick parchment and 2x plant balm. Luckily, there were a few materials left in the attic that I had saved. I just so happen to have enough materials for 2, but how do these two things become smokescreen? Maybe there are videos online? I pull out my phone and search up 'How to make a smoke bomb?'. Surely enough, I found results. I hope no one questions why I searched this up. It'd be bad if my probation officer caught wind of this. Anyway, I watched a video on making the bomb. "Oh, so that's how it's done," I grab the materials and start making mistakes immediately. "Dang this is harder than it seems." Eventually, I put it together and proudly looked at my hard work. "This was so much harder than I thought it was going to be. I swear the protagonist is really good at using his hands if he can make 12 in one go. Welp, do I have enough materials for another?" I mutter. Looking at the desk, there is nothing but scraps. I guess I'll have to put this off till later. I get up from my seat and stretch. "That was pretty productive." I glance over to my bed. A nap sounds real good right now. I pull out my phone and look at my messages to find one from Mr.Yoshida. 'I'll be having a speech tonight.' Today's Sunday ain't it. Ah, I really want to sleep, but learning something might be very helpful. Welp, time to go to Shibuya.

I unlock Leblanc's front door. I trudge up to my room. I make contact with my bed, and I'm gone. I hope I get up on time for school.   

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