Chapter 22

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March 3rd, Tuesday

Alright! So, I have medicine, 5 lockpicks, the many Arigade and Water of rebirth, and a couple of smoke bombs, and a couple of extra goodies. That should be everything. Placing everything into my school bag, I try to swing it onto my shoulder, nearly falling back with the momentum. Holy frig, this is heavy. I'm sure I can use this as a weapon instead of my dual blades in the metaverse. This will be difficult to carry with me all day and even into mementos.

Carefully placing my bag down on my desk, it still makes a slam onto the desk. The early classroom chatter stops as everyone eyes me and murmurs amongst each other.

I should have taken a couple of things out. At the very least I should have taken fewer bottles of the Arigade or the waters of rebirth. My shoulders are ready to retire from this morning and I'm just about ready to let them do just that. I just need to think of this as exercise! Yeah! The protagonist was able to carry Morgana around like he was nothing. I can push through today!

Soon, the day passes without a hitch and it's already nearing the end of the last class of the day. These classes are pretty easy to follow, and I just need to half-listen since I remember the answers to all the exams and pop-up questions. It's a bit weird that questions that the teachers ask in April are used now. Maybe the teachers reuse their material when the protagonist comes here? Either way, the final bell rings, and the teacher says their goodbyes for the day and then leaves. Luckily, I didn't have to carry my bag all the time, but I know soon I will need to. The classroom erupts with the chatter of the students and people getting ready to leave. I would have been out the door too, but Ann had stopped me as I was putting my chair in. "YN, are you busy today? Shiho and I are going to the underground mall today. Want to join?" What bad timing. It has been quite some time since I've hung out with them together. But I was going into mementos today. Skipping training one day isn't bad right? There's always tomorrow...

"Yea-" I get cut off by the immense weight of my bag. This is probably a sign to not skip. "Sorry, I'll have to call a raincheck on that."

"That's fine. Another time then." Ann waves and then makes her way out of the classroom, her blond pigtails jumping with each step she takes. She's excited.

Hopping off the subway, I go up the stairs and reach the surface level. The streets are filled with people. Some business people, and other students, are all in a rush to get to where they need to go. All these people here are kinda making me claustrophobic or maybe that's just anxiety, doesn't matter. I pull out my phone and open the navigation app.


I plug into the app then suddenly everything stops moving. Nothing is moving, yet everything feels like it's swirling around, taking a new form. I look down into the subway station, where I had just left, everyone is still motionless. In the crowd of people, I spot a familiar pair of blond pigtails. The wind blows by, and they move; unlike everyone else. Am I imagining things? I blink once and everyone disappears. The subway station becomes pitch black. Is my mind playing tricks on me? Probably is. The wind picks up, and it feels like the subway station is calling me in, along with the wind.

Walking down the stairs, my steps echo within the station and the sound of a moving train could be heard deeper within. I reach a elevator at the foot of the stairs.Going in, I push the down button. I've never liked elevators. I may have just been superstitious, but I've always felt like they could fall without warning at any time. The elevator comes to a halt and opens. Revealing the area in the game. Up ahead, there are escalators, leading further below in the darkness, but here is relatively well lit. I don't bother to look around and just rush down the escalators. It'll all probably look the same as it did in the game. Finally making it to the first platform, it's really dark here. Stretching my arm out, I can barely see it in front of me! How could I forget how dark it is here!? Ah, that's right, Morgana. Ahh, the one time that cat is useful. Then, again he was always a pretty good healer when I used him. I'm on my own now, so better get started. Jumping down onto the tracks, I try to navigate through the tunnel with my arms stretched out, feeling around in the dark. Maybe if I'm in the dark long enough, my eyes will adjust. Soon as I think that, I bump into a shadow blob. It falls back from me basically tackling it and starts to inflate. Not long before it pops into black blobs and takes the form of two shadows. The Pixies twirl around, giggling sinisterly, whispering to each other. Without sparing a moment, I call out to my Incubus. Blue light surrounds me and then streams out to form the Incubus. "Zio!" I point to the Pixie on the left. The Incubus follows along just as quickly, not giving the Pixies a moment to even process what's about to happen. Soon, The Pixie on the left has been seared and is lying on the ground in a daze. The last Pixie is in shock from the unprompted attack and is just hovering in place, worriedly eyeing her companion. "Zio, again!" Not another second goes before the Pixie in on the ground too. Walking up to them, I pull out the gun I had gotten from the store the other day and point it at the Pixies. The sound of my footsteps wakes them up from their daze, but they are far too weak to even stand up." W-What do you think you are doing!" The left Pixie begins. "Look what you've done to my beautiful wings! My boyfriend won't look at me now! Not with these dry sticks!" The Pixie begins to cry in its hands. Her once translucent and shining wings are now like burnt campfire sticks and bent beyond their original beauty. "The way I see it, you have more important things to be worrying about" I pull back the safety on the governance with an audible click. "Like you'd know what it feels like! I bet you don't even have a boyfriend!" The Pixie smugly chuckles. "Alright, you're done." With a simple pull of the trigger, it isn't long before the hot barrel of the gun is then pointing to the last Pixie, shaking in fear where it lays in pain. "W-wait! Don't shoot! I-I'll give you anything you want! Just let me live!" It shoves its head onto the ground, not daring to look back up. "Give me some money."

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