Chapter 5

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I wake up with a bad taste in my mouth. 'I forgot about that sex offender. I really don't feel like having to deal with that. It's going to be such a pain. Is there any way to avoid him? He'll probably have a problem with me since I have a 'record'. Hopefully, he isn't at the school gate this morning.'. I get up and get ready. 'Oh, should probably check the weather. Don't want to end up like the protagonist'. Pulling out my phone, It's going to be cloudy all day with low degrees. 'Nice.'. I walk out and head towards the station. As I'm making my way towards the gate, I see an ever-so-familiar pair of platinum blond pigtails. 'Ann!'. I want to go and hug her and love her. However, right now I'm nothing but a stranger right to her. She'll probably get mad. Not only that she's a magnet for Kamoshida. I'm better off watching my distance and keeping a close eye on her and Shiho. Although Shiho is a very important event to have all the characters go after Kamoshida, I'd prefer her to not kill herself. I'll have to think about how to have all the characters go after him otherwise. To make all the characters act, it's better to have them close and know what gets them moving. I know how but the trust isn't there. I think I might have to go near the Kamoshida land mine. I quickly jog up to Ann. "U-um Hello there!", 'Frig! I stuttered!'. Ann turns to me and stares. "Hi! I'm Y/n L/n, I'm new here. I was wondering if I could ask you to know where I need to go." I stare at her with anticipation. "Um, L/n-san I don't think it'd be a good idea for me to-" "Please! I am completely lost and I need assistance!" I bow, 'Goodbye pride, it was nice knowing you. I hear a sigh as I look up. "Alright, but just know that you are already giving yourself a bad reputation." Ann turns and begins to walk towards the building. 'Ah! Still so caring. This is only the first step towards getting closer. My pride must hold on.' I follow her. As we are walking through the halls, I ask her simple questions like, how are classes for you, what's your favorite subject, what do you do in your free time. She was slightly hesitant to answer the 3rd question and even analyzed my expression, letting a breath out she had been holding prior. Although I know mostly everything about her, I had to have some insurance that the rumors of my record didn't reach her ears. I really can't have her know yet. I need to make a good enough impression so that she won't believe the rumors. We head stop in front of the classroom and Ms.Kawakami is waiting there. I make eye contact with her and she comes towards me. Ann notices and tells me she'll see me inside. I smile at her and tell her ok. I turn to Kawakami and she begins, "Hey, I'll need you to come to the faculty office to give you your schedule and then come to class to introduce yourself.". "Alright" I move aside and guide my arm forward so she may lead the way. She looks at me a bit surprised and follows my lead. ' Frig forgot that's weird to those who aren't used to it.'. I hang my head low and follow her to the faculty office. We get everything done and make our way back towards the classroom. We turn the corner and I see Kamoshida walk up the stairs. 'Crip!'. "Ms. Kawakami, you're a teacher right?" I slightly get closer to her. "What kind of question is that? Yes I am," she replies in her exhausted voice. "Then could I depend on you right now," I say rushed. Kamoshida is almost up the stairs. "Huh?", I hook my arm around hers and lean into her. Kamoshida makes it up the stairs and looks at Kawakami and me. He gets a surprised look on his ugly face and then gets stern. "Kawakami! Are you alright!" He rushed to us and pushes me aside. 'Didn't think I'd have to get to this. I scrape my knee real well on the floor causing the skin to rip a good bit. Kawakami; surprised just stares. "What are you doing to a teacher!" He yells, covering Kawakami. 'Trying to play hero won't get you anywhere when you hurt a student. Frig I hurt it pretty well.'. Busting into quite tears yet hearable, I hold my knee as blood is flowing out. Kawakami gasps and rushes to my side. "Ms.Kawakami don't be fooled. She's a delinquent, she's faking it.". Kawakami hesitates yet helps me up and silently takes me to the nurse's office. When we get there the nurse isn't there. Kawakami sighs and sits me down on a medical bed. She goes looking around the desk and cabinets and comes back with a first aid kit. She silently patched me up until she asks why I did that. "I had seen that man hit other students so when I saw him coming up the stairs I got scared and hoped being close to you would have him think I'm on good terms with you.". I haven't personally seen him, but knowing the events of the game, there's no doubt he actually does it.  Kawakami scowls slightly and then sighs again. "Don't do that again. He must have jumped to conclusions and done to protect me." "Are you alright that he injured a student on their first day without me doing anything?" I softly ask. She flinches slightly but continues "This has nothing to do with alright, I can't do anything to help you.". "So it's alright if he breaks a student's leg because he doesn't like them? Is that what you'll let happen to your students?". She stays silent for a while. "I'm sorry. I can't help you". I frown. She gets up and walks toward the door. "I can excuse you for the rest of today's classes." Finally she walks out. "Ah that was stressful." I lay down on the bed. That's probably progress with Kawakami. It's pretty hard to tell without the game itself telling you. 'I'm probably not safe being here. Kamoshida might come here to harass me'. I slightly wobble towards the door. Reaching towards the handle, the door opens. "Hello, L/n-san".

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