Chapter 10

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January 28, Friday

After school

I've been mulling over when the dang protagonist appears in April. I will say I'm excited to meet him, but I'm also anxious. I'm not quite sure why, but I still am. I feel like I need to mentally prepare myself to see Joker. He is quite bold and charismatic in the game. With the social stats maxed, he's basically the perfect person. Then, there are his looks. I will have to admit I had a bit of a crush on the guy. Nothing too big, but I feel like it's more admiration for a celebrity that you've cheered on for a long time, and you get to meet for the first time. Finally done spacing out, I realize I'm in front of Leblanc. I need to snap out of it. I have more important things to think about than Joker. I should get closer to Ryuji. I've only had one interaction with him; which didn't go so well. Although, I don't really know how to connect to him. I know he likes the track, but after Kamoshida; it's like a shadow on him when he couldn't hold his anger back. What does he usually do? Work out? He probably wouldn't want to do that with someone who he only talked with once. Bookstore? He doesn't read. Oh! The arcade! He's likely there since in the game that's where you'd find him to get closer. I rush out of Leblanc, still in uniform, and make my way to central street on Shibuya.

Walking into the arcade, I see a lot more machines than in the game. There are fighting machines, DDR, even Luigi's mansion-themed machine. Although this place looks so fun, I'm here on a mission. I can probably play more later. I go to the token machine and exchange some money for tokens. Looking around the front entrance, I see the Gun about game. I need to find a blond head. Strolling down the aisle of games, I see the aforementioned blondie. Nice! I walk up behind him, and he's playing one of the zombie shooting games. Honestly, he isn't doing too great. He's getting cornered and hit a lot. Also, missing a bunch of headshots. By the end, his score isn't too great. "Wow, that looks fun! Can I join you?" I say. Jumping, he turns to me with a surprised look. "Crap! You scared the hell out of me!" "My bad. I was here for a good bit and couldn't help but notice you playing! You're that super nice dude from before, right?" "Ryuji Sakamoto."He says as he puts his controller back. "You can have a crack at the game. Is it your first time playing games like this?"He moves to the side of the game. "It's my first time playing a shooter in an arcade." I pick up a controller and input some tokens that I've got. The controller is unfamiliar so I don't get too many zombies. As I get used to it, most of my shots are hitting. Sometimes I'd miss and get hit. As the game continues, Ryuji comments on how close the zombies are and to look out behind me. I rack up a good amount of points by the end of the game. "Phew, that's way harder than it seems" I smile. It's my first time playing games since coming here. "Wow! You're really good this being your first time! Are you sure that it's your first time? You're like a turret!" He says with so much energy. I smile and swim in his praise. "Haha. Nah, it's really my first time. Maybe it's beginner luck." I shrug. "There's no way that's beginner luck! That's too good to be luck! Oh, wanna play another round then? This time I'll join you!"He smirks. "I'm down!" and put in tokens for another round.

We ended up really bonding over playing games. Crane and shooters being more of my strong suit. Eventually, it was getting late and we had to go home. "Let's play again sometime! It was a total blast today!"Ryuji put his hand out. "Yeah, sure!" and I shake his hand. "Oh, wanna exchange chat ID? I'd like some tips on the zombie shooter." "Yeah, no problem dude. You'll have to teach me how to get better at air hockey tho."I say with a smirk. "Deal"

We exchange IDs, and then we part ways.


Walking into Leblanc, the smell of coffee hits me. It's so nice. Sojiro is still behind the counter, doing whatever. I walk upstairs to change. I didn't think it'd be so easy to bond over video games with Ryuji. Then again, he is someone to live in the moment. Anyway, what should I do with my free time right now? I don't really know anyone that'd be down to hang out so late. Oh! Maybe if I can talk to that politician at the station at Shibuya. What was his name again? T-something Yoshida? Well, he'll probably say it. I make my way over to the station.

Walking out of the station, I walk towards central street. He should be having a speech by the doggo statue. Sure enough, there he is. There are probably 2 or 3 people listening, while everyone else is walking past not even paying a single glance to the man. This man is so dedicated. I'd never be able to do this. I stood in front of the politician as he gave an empowering speech. Once he finishes, he looks over to me. "Hello there. Are you interested in politics?" "Yeah, a bit." He has a light smile. "It's nice to see the youth take interest in politics these days. Anyway, it's quite late, so I'll be heading over to the beef bowl shop." He excuses himself and begins to walk away. "Ah, wait! Could I ask to make a deal?" I hold him up. "Deal??" He looks confused and a tad bit concerned. "Yes! Could you teach me how to give better speeches?" I bow. "Speeches? Do you want to become a politician?" He rushes. "Not quite. I just want to improve my speech." He looks at me, skeptical. "What would I get out of this deal?" What can I do? "I could help and be a promotion for you as you give your speeches. Maybe hold a sign up?" I really hope he accepts. He takes a moment to think. "Alright, if you're alright with taking lessons from a no-good Tora." He says as he looks down. "I don't mind. I can see the conviction you have. That's why I wanted to learn from you." He looks up and smiles. "Well thank you, I'll be going to the beef bowl now. Before that, let's exchange chat ids. I'll tell you my schedule for speeches." He pulls out his phone and we exchange. "Goodnight. Mr.....uh" Ah forgot to listen to his name." Toroskune Yoshida." He chuckles a little. "Thank you, Mr. Yoshida. I'm Y/n L/n" "Goodnight."

And so, I return home.

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