Chapter 7

553 18 3

January 11, Tuesday


What the heck?


Man, frig this noise. I slam my hand on whatever is making noise. "Ah!" That hurt so much. I hold my hand and sit up to look at my phone. '7:36'

Ah, Crip! I've got to hurry and get to school! I immediately stand, then almost fall. My knee is kinda recovering but isn't really. I quickly brush my hair, teeth, then get into my uniform. I rush out of the bathroom. Take all my stuff for school and tell Sojiro to have a good morning as I dip out the door. Got to take the train or else I'm screwed!

Early Morning

I plop down on my seat behind an empty desk. Just in time too, cause the teacher walks in. Sighing, I take out my pencil and notebook. Slightly listening to the teacher, I look to the empty desk in front of me. Past the desk, sits Ann. So, I'm sitting behind the protagonist. I need to figure out how I can help Suzui and Ann, without having Kamoshida come after me, but to have the situation be dire enough for the group to change his heart. I can only do so much by myself. Well, I can probably try to go into Kamoshida's palace and find Mona, if he's locked up there by now. However, I don't think it'd look good for me to know about the metaverse before all of them. Hmm, it is a good source of money, experience, and items though. Maybe I can tip-toe around the shadow Kamoshida and Mona while also defeating some easy solo shadows. It's probably too risky, but I don't have any real connection to this world. Also, I can be more of use if I understand how both worlds work, as I am a noob. "L/n! Do you know the answer" The teacher speaks. Ah, frig. I wasn't paying attention. Looking on the board, 'What does the Devil's Dictionary define as the Hider factor in the progress of the human race.', with a few choices below.

"A: Villains. " I say.

"That's correct!" The teacher says. As they explain why it was right the students were murmuring amongst themselves. Even if they're confused as to how I got it right, I was pretty much guessing from the questions in the game. But that's the question from April, why is it being asked now? Well, as long as I got it right I guess.

After School

The rest of the day went by. I did all I could to avoid Kamoshida. I had no escape from Gym; which was my last class; so I had to endure his harassment. As I am walking out of the gym, I hear my name called. I turn to see Ann, with Suzui! Oh, maybe I can become an acquaintance with her! Walking over, Ann introduces us to each other and we exchange hellos. Suzui has some bandages and wraps on her arms. I feel so bad for her, but with this record on me, I can't do anything. This is such bull. Suzui seems pretty happy. Sometimes her smile falls almost instantly but if I wasn't paying a lot of attention to her I wouldn't have noticed. In the middle of the conversation another voice chimes in, "Hello there Takamaki-san, shouldn't you head home now?" We all turn to see Kamoshida with a smile on his face. Grimacing a bit, I just stare as Ann tells him she was just going to leave right now and begins to walk away. "If you need a ride home you can always ask me!" he tells her. "Ah thank you for the generous offer, maybe another time". Kamoshida turns back to us and a flash of rage goes through his eyes. "Suzui-san! Let's go and study!" I grab her hand and we run past Kamoshida, into the main building. We stop at the station. I slide down a wall and sit. I look over to Suzui, and she looks panicked. "Um, are you alright? I'm sorry I shouldn't have dragged you with me like that." I look down to the ground. "I'm so screwed! He's going to make punishment much more severe!" Suzui holds her arms, shaking slightly. I jump up and lightly tap her shoulder. "Punishment? Is he hurting you?" She flinches. "No, no. I- Don't listen to me." She begins to turn and walk away. I grab her wrist, "If you can't take it, I can help you." then walk away. I better start thinking about a plan to get into his palace.

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