Chapter 14

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One moment I'm walking through the velvet room door, next I'm in the prison room behind the gate. I'm not even wearing my previous clothes, but prison clothes. I drag my feet, chained to an iron ball, to the fence. I only look at Igor and wait for him too. "Welcome back to the velvet room," He folds his hands under his chin. "You are truly quite extraordinary for being able to return to the metaverse on your own. In fact, I've brought you here to ask how you did it." He raises his head. His long nose pointed at me. "What do you mean? I had no other choice but to get creative without the metaverse navigator." I snap. "Watch your tone, inmate!" Caroline hits the bars, sparks flying. Ah, really need to calm down. Igor raises his hand and Caroline straightens again. He drops it and continues. "Metaverse navigator? What is that?" Huh? Does he really not know? Isn't he the one that made it? "It's like an application I've read about in a research paper. Supposedly letting one being able to enter a twisted hear by using one's name, the distortion and a location." I need to act like I don't know. "Hmm. Quite an interesting. Is this like some ritual or something else?""I'm unsure. The paper didn't specify." I lower my head. "Hm, well this is quite the breakthrough either way. I've been trying to figure out a way to have the trickster easily access the metaverse." "What do you think would be the best method?" He asks. Wait, he hasn't made the metaverse navigator yet? So that's why I never had it. So does that mean that Akechi really doesn't have a nav by now either? "How about making it into a phone app?" I shouldn't stray far from the original. "That's interesting indeed." Igor simply says. Suddenly a bell rings. "Our time has come to an end. You can return now.""Return to where you once were inmate," Justine says.I come back before I entered the velvet room door. However, the door is gone now. They probably don't need me right now. It's not like I can even do anything there. I turn back to the castle. This whole thing is getting really tiring, but I want to find a way to keep Shiho safe for now. Just finding two safe rooms should be enough. The room with the vent should count as a safe room from what I remember. Alright, I need to avoid strong enemies, Kamoshida, and Morgana. I yank off the ventilation cover, almost falling back in the process. I place the cover behind a nearby box. I climb up and crawl to the other side. I look through the ventilation cover; with no shadows, and kick it out. Jumping out, I land on my feet. Alright, infiltration is complete. Got to continue. I open the big white door, only to be met with a large soldier. They look down at me, bright red eyes looking down at me. Crip! I reach into my bag. The soldier yells out about an intruder and tries to grab me. I throw the smoke bomb down and run to the side of a green sofa. The smoke clears and the soldier is looking around. They go into the room I was in previously. I take this chance to slowly come out of hiding, close the door, and grab the nearby broom and wedge it between the large silver handles. The shadow bangs and yells, but it's all muffled. That takes care of that one. Holy frig man, that was so stress-inducing. I need to get some sort of weapon. I can't expect to survive with only 10 lock picks and now 9 smoke bombs. Should I go back? Maybe I can find a weapon in a nearby chest. Oh! Now that I think about it, there's a nearby chest. Hopefully, a weapon is in there. I peek inside the room across and look around no soldier. I continue to go along the hall. While this place is really dangerous, it's quiet. Eerily quiet. Sometimes, I'd hear the thumping of the soldiers, in which case I'd dip behind a crate. Eventually, I see the pink hallway where later the guards take Ann back to Kamoshida. If I were to be wiser, I'd think the cognition of all the girls would be in there. If I kill the cognitive version of Shiho, would Kamoshida forget about his lust for her? Although I don't want to kill her. Although she is just the perception of Shiho through Kamoshida, I don't want to kill someone with her face. Although if it's a fake and killing it works, then does it truly matter? She's only a character in a game. A character who wants to live and has dreams. Agh, we'll cross that bridge when it comes. On the top of the list is a weapon. I continue to walk down the hall and enter a wide cellar room. One guard is blocking the door at the corner of the room. Welp, I know where to avoid for now. On the opposite corner of the room is a shiny chest. While it's not locked, it still has to have something good. Frig, I hope. I rush over to the chest, making sure not to make too much noise. Opening it, there's a silver dagger in there. Nice! I got a weapon. Now I just need to find a safe room and look inside of the pink hall. A safe room must come first. I turn towards the door and the soldier is moving around the room. I dash to the door, go through, and close it immediately. Phew, all this better be worth it. There's a safe room! I walk up to it. Wow, it's so wavy that I feel like I'd fall into it if I just touch it. Surprisingly enough, the door feels solid yet, fizzy? Like when you touch the screen of a CRT tv. Alright, safe room found. Now to investigate the pink room. However, I'll just rest my legs for a bit. All this running and stressing around has got me tired. Suddenly, there are a bunch of running outside the door. I quickly stand and hide behind a sofa. There's no way a shadow can come in here right? Morgana always said that it's basically impossible for one to do so. Many soldiers are moving and yelling. I can't hear what they're saying. Did they find out I'm roaming around? The sounds continue for what seems like 5 minutes. I slowly approach the door. I put my ear against it in hopes to hear anything. Nothing. I give it another 5 minutes to peek out the door. The hall is empty. I should get out of here quick. If it's this chaotic in a palace then something must have happened. I return to the cellar, no shadows. I go past the pink room, the bars are closed. Well, that's unfortunate, but what's more important is getting out of here alive and safe. I'm almost close to the room with the vent until I run into something. I look up to being met with Kamoshida, sporting his speedo and cape. He glares down at me. Kamoshida isn't alone, next to him is Shiho. She's in a playboy bunny costume. It takes my everything not to gag. It hurts a lot to see her in that getup, even if I know that's how Kamoshida looks at her. "L/n-san! What do you think you're doing to dare tackle your king! Death penalty!" He roars out. Suddenly, two soldiers appear behind him! "Now I'm willing to lessen your sentence at a price you know." A disgusting grin spreads across his face. Why is he here!? I need to think of something before I get killed! I reach into my bag and grab two smoke bombs. Throwing them onto the ground, I pull out the silver dagger and start swinging it around as I move around where Kamoshida and his posse last were. Run, I've got to run as fast as I can. Suddenly I feel something grab my ankle. I fall onto the ground. I look back and one of the guards has grabbed my ankle. I feel myself being pulled towards the cloud of smoke. You've got to be kidding me! This is such bull! I can't let myself get caught. No, I won't let myself get caught. I stab the guard's wrist, making sure to wedge the dagger deep inside. The hand releases my ankle and I immediately crawl away. I reach inside my bag again and throw a smoke bomb. It might give away where I've gone, but I just need to impair their vision. I'm almost to the door, but two more guards spawn out of nowhere, blocking my exit. Dang it! Suddenly, I'm kicked to the ground, losing my breath. Frig! My spine might have been broken! "You dammed bitch! Where do you think you're going! For attempted fleeing from punishment is death!" Kamoshida grinds his foot on my sore ankle. "You damned bastard. Who do you think you are? You're no king! You're just a despicable tyrant!" I spit out through the pain. Two guards lift me as another behind Kamoshida draws his sword. Dammit, I really will die! I don't have my dagger and I can't reach into my bag. A lustful grin appears on Kamoshida's face as he grabs the sword from the guard. He slashed at my chest, ripping my shirt and drawing a bit of blood. Damned pervert! I try to move my arms out of the guards' grip, only to receive a punch to the gut. "You disobedient wench! Bitches like you need to be taught how to respect royalty. You should be like Shiho! She knows without me or her friend, she'd have nothing!" He sneers. Cognitive Shiho just wraps her arms around his neck and giggles. Her face sneering at me, as if I was trash. What the hell? Why am I being forced to go through this? Some God drags me from my world, and makes me suffer? Even if they are a god, they don't have the right to control my life! Suddenly, a butterfly starts fluttering in front of me. "This is truly an unjust game..." The voice from before rings through my head. "Your chances of winning are almost none. But if my voice is reaching you there may still be a possibility open to you...." The butterfly flutters around only to disappear. "Are you going to accept you're fate and die?" A different voice comes out of nowhere. "Forced to ruin, yet you have a deep hatred for the god who places you in another world. How interesting." A pang of pain goes through my head. "I'll lend you a hand if you give me your all." The voice sneers. My body is aching like energy is forcing itself throughout my veins. My vision blurs; tears forcing themselves out; but something that looks like a  blue flame covers everything for a moment. The guards who were holding me were blown away with the movement of the flames, reducing them to only armor. I reach towards my face, only to feel a leather mask. Grabbing the top, I tear it off. Blood gushes out where the mask was, and I'm engulfed in flames. I look down to see my clothes have changed. I'm wearing a black jumpsuit with a long red scarf around my neck, with 2 red clips on my hair (if you have short hair, then it's a ribbon). Red pads on my knees and elbows. There's two medium to short blades on my back, fastened by a strap in the shape of an X. I look at Kamoshida with a glare. He's instilled fear in innocent people to satiate his greed. He deserves to be beheaded. I hadn't noticed that a purplish-gray fog had started to set in. The temperature of the room was lower. I pull out my 'daggers', readying to dice this corrupt king. He fumbles backward, a terrified look on his face. "What a funny look you have on your face. Many students have given you that same look while begging for forgiveness, but you didn't listen. Let's see how many other expressions you can make!" I step closer to him. "Bitch! I'm a king! I can do whatever I want! Like telling Shiho to kill you!" He points. Shiho walks in front of Kamoshida, blocking me from him. The fog gets denser, and I begin to notice that Shiho's legs are trembling. It doesn't matter. She's only a fake. Kamoshida's cognition of Shiho, it's better to get rid of it. Because this isn't her true self. I steady my blades and dash towards Shiho. She defends her front, just as anticipated. I maneuver myself to slide from the front to her side, where I drive my blades from the hip up to the heart. I dig the blades deep, then remove it cleanly. "King Kamoshida" She whimpers as she falls, disappearing. Ugh, it disgusts me how they'll think of that scumbag even in their final moments. "Now that's out of the way- Dang it!" I fall onto one knee. The energy I originally had is leaving. I need to leave. I've done what I came here for. I slap my face till it stings. I look back to where Kamoshida was before, empty. Of course. He's too much of a coward to face danger himself. I need to get out of here and stay on guard.

I return to the safe room by the entrance to the palace. I thought the Shadow that I trapped in a safe room, would still be there, but when I removed the broom, nothing to be seen. Maybe it's because the distortion here makes it hard for them to keep their form? I can't stay here any longer, the security level is way too high here. I leave out the hole and run to the bridge. Crossing the bridge, I realize, how do I get back? I am basically exhausted, I can't stay here! I head towards the alley in front of the palace. As I walk through it, I imagine washing the dirt and corruption off the school and me. Please let this work! I turn behind me and see the normal school has returned. Thank the lord! I've come back! Sighing, I walk to the station, trying my best not to limp. I need to sleep as soon as possible.

Walking back into Leblanc, Sojiro welcomes me back but stops mid-welcome. "Whoa, you look like you haven't slept in centuries." He's probably exaggerating but it certainly feels like I have. "You better not be doing anything stupid and get yourself in trouble. Especially when you would come back injured.""Whoa, you knew?" I jump in surprise. "Of course I knew, I'm your temporary guardian. Anyway, come eat then go to sleep." He walks into the kitchen. He soon comes out with a plate of curry and a cup of his coffee. It's so good to come back to curry and a cup of coffee after coming out if a palace . "Thank you for the food!" I dig in. "Calm down, you're going to choke-" "Gah!  Choking!" I am like a pufferfish as I grab the coffee and drink it, helping the food go down better. I breathe in the fresh air, then return to eating the curry. "I swear, it can't be that good where you immediately eat it again after choking on it." Sojiro rubs his neck. "It's just that good, where you'd sell your soul for it!" I smile. "Just be careful. I don't want to have to take you to the doctor." He goes and washes the dishes. "Yes, sir!"I turn off the water as I put away my clean plate. That was a great dinner! I run up the stairs and pass out on my bed. I hope what happened in the palace has made Kamoshida, not harass Shiho. I'll find out on Monday.

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