Chapter 6

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"Hello L/n-san," Ann says in a slight smile. "Holy frig! You scared the heck out of me Takamaki-san!" I say as I place a hand on Ann's shoulder. She slightly flinches, and I quickly pull my hand away. "Sorry!". "Ah, no, sorry for scaring you!" She says quickly. We look around everywhere but at each other. "So," Ann starts. "You have a criminal record." I stiffen at her words instantly. "Ah, so you've heard," I say facing the ground. "Is it true?" She continues. "Well I would love to answer your questions, but I don't quite feel safe here." I look around in the hall. Ann nods and she leads me to the roof, helping me up the stairs. Breathing in the fresh air is so nice after being so nervous all morning. I should be staying far away from the edges of the roof. I don't do well with heights. Sitting down on one of the chairs, I begin. "Yeah, it's true that I have a record. I'd explain why I have it, but I doubt you'd believe me-". "Continue," Ann says with a flame in her eyes. I slightly smile and tell her the story. While I wasn't immediately made aware of my situation with time, random memories would flood to me, filling in gaps in the case. It's likely because Igor put it in there. I've gotten the gist of why I was expelled. It's similar to how the protagonist was expelled. Some government official got pissed off at me for finding out about their money laundering or something like that. They fabricated some evidence on me and got me expelled once shown to my school. This same 'evidence' was used against me in court. The evidence is me putting some random kid from my old school in the hospital. Funny enough, the kid was actually there because of some personal medical issue. But that big shot was really petty that they forced a fake confession out of the patient. This brings me to now. I don't care cause I didn't really live through it. I'm more pissed that I was brought here, forced to live in the aftermath of the situation that I didn't have any control over. I just want to go back to living my true life. I don't actually mention Igor and my thoughts on this to Ann though. "What a d-bag!" Ann exclaims. "Oh my! It's all good now, it's a past thing. Not much I can do about it now," I say trying to calm Ann down. In a sort of both stupidity and just plain not thinking, I get up and walk toward the fence. I wonder if I die here, would I be able to get back?Sighing, I turn back to a fuming Ann. Dying doesn't help anyone. "Hey Takamaki-san, Would you mind being friends?". A wide smile spreads on her face, making her 5x times brighter. "Of course! I would very much like to be your friend!" The bell rings, signifying the next period is going to start soon. I smile and wave Ann a 'see you later as she returns to class. Turning back to the fence, I look down below. My heights fear starts to kick in. I sit myself down on my seat like a good noodle. "Should I be doing this? I love all these characters, yet I just want to go back to my previous life." I put my head on the desk and get comfortable, unlikely that anyone will come up here. At least, I hope. "Oh wait, I don't have any way to get closer to Ryuji. Hmmm. I can't really show him the metaverse yet. That's up to the protagonist. Welp, I'll think more about it once I wake up from my nap."...h.....ey........he....y.....hey!" I jolt up from my position on the desk."Huh!? What's going on?" I say with a slight slur. "Yo, what are you doing up here? You do know this place is off-limits." I look to the owner of the voice. Ryuji!? What kind of coincidence is this!? I almost slip out of my chair out of surprise, only to be grabbed on by the collar of my shirt; choking me. "Nice catch but I'd like to breathe." I smile slightly. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Ryuji apologizes quickly and straightens me back on my chair. "Whew! That was a close call." I chuckle a little. "Sorry, I really didn't mean it." Ryuji continues to apologize. "Nah ya good, I was just surprised is all. Don't worry about it.". Slightly waving my hand, Ryuji then says, "Oh I know! I'll be right back! Don't ya move!" as he sprints down the stairs. 'Well alrighty then. Not like I can move anywhere right now.' I look at my knee. It doesn't look too bad anymore. It'll be fine to walk on, right? I slightly begin to get up out of my seat. Agh, my back. Sleeping like that wasn't a good idea. Stretching out my body, I stand for the first time today. It's pretty cold out here. Hopefully, I don't get sick for sleeping out here. "Alright, my leg seems fine. However, no running for me." I hear the door open behind me, "Oh, so your back-" I turn to see Kamoshida standing there. Frig! What's this mother frigger doing here? I step a good 3 feet away from him. "Oh, Ms.L/n, What are you doing up here? It's off-limits. Don't tell me you're trying to cause more trouble." He starts stepping towards me. "Ah, no sir. I had only come up here to get a breath of fresh air. I didn't know it was-". Kamoshida grabs my wrist harshly. "Looks like you'll need some disciplinary action to fix that attitude of yours." Oh no. I've got to think of something quick. "Um, actually I have to go see Ms.Kawakami so she can get me caught up with lessons. Sorry, I really can't miss my education. Especially when you want me to not cause any problems." I slightly bow and walk out the door. Soon as the door closes I dash down the stairs. It doesn't matter if my knee is hurting. Adrenaline helps lower the pain. I need to get away. Right as I'm turning to the next staircase, I bump into Ryuji. "Oh sorry." I breathe out. I really can't run. "Why are you running? I told you to stay up there.""Ah, sorry I thought it might rain but then the storm passed. Did you need something from me?""Well, I wanted to give you a soda as an apology." Wow, thanks! That's a big help!" Smiling brightly I take the soda he hands me. "Thanks for the save dude. You're nice. My name is Y/n L/n feel free to call me y/n!" Ryuji just stands there and stares for a good bit. "You good?" I start waving my hand in front of his face. "Are you new here?" He finally says. "Oh yeah? Why?" What's that got to do with anything?"That explains it. I don't think we should talk much cause I'm not known to be a good person here," Ryuji says while rubbing his neck. I slightly lean to the side, "What?? How?? You just gave a stranger a drink.". Ryuji just looks at me. "I don't think you're bad at all." Seriously people just don't appreciate his kindness."I only gave it to you as an apology for suddenly grabbing you." He looks away, his voice slowly going into a whisper. "You saved me from hurting my leg even worse! If anything, I should be the one buying you something." I say raising my arms. I don't think I've ever heard Ryuji talk so quietly. Ryuji just steps back a bit and slightly smiles. "Thanks" and with that, he turns around, walking away. Well, that was interesting. I pull out my phone and check the time. "Oh frig, schools been out for a good bit. Sojiro's going to be scary if I don't get there soon." Running out of the school and over the station, making my way home.

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