Chapter 8

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January 15, Saturday

Early morning

I've ended up pulling an all-nighter, trying to think of something to lessen the pain on Suzui-san. There are three options I could think of. Plan one, gather video evidence of his abuse over the next two weeks, and ask her if she wants revenge on him. At the very least, she'll know that there's a fallback plan if she can't take him anymore. However, the problem is having anyone believe me. Everyone thinks of me as a delinquent; so they won't listen to me, but if a student council president were to take the problem to their prosecutor sister, maybe people would listen. This is all with the assumption the school and Kamoshida don't fight back and hide evidence/force students to back Kamoshida's back. Or even some things being done behind the scenes on the police side. Even then, how would I convince Makoto to help me? She is more likely to give everything I tell her to the principal cause he's an adult. By the time I can get her to trust or change her thinking, the protagonist will likely already be here and the story will go as followed. Then theirs is the second plan, follow the story and slightly encourage Suzui-san. This holds the most guilt, cause I know what will happen if nothing is done for her. I know she won't die, but the amount of pain she will have to through doesn't sit right with me. She doesn't deserve to be sexually harassed for trying to follow her dream. Not really turning towards that. The final plan is to go into Kamoshida's palace and change his cognition to leave her alone until the story starts. I don't even know if this plan is capable of being done. A character in the game does this but they mostly do it to fulfill their agenda. Like, drive the person crazy. Then, I don't really know how to safely influence Kamoshida. I get up from my bed and look out the window, the birds are chirping and the sun is already up. I'm so screwed for classes today. Who would have thought that without Morgana you'd forget to sleep? I begin getting ready to make my way to school.

After school

Making my way back to Leblanc, I see the clinic. Ah, so she's here too. A little detour couldn't hurt, could it? I walk inside to see the same clinic inside the game. I wonder what the magazine says! I can actually sit down on the chairs here! "How could I help you?" a voice says, interrupting my fangirling. I turn to see Takemi behind the desk looking at me with a slightly tired look. Ah! She is actually in front of me! My girl is asking if she could help me! "Ah, well I came here for some medicine, I've been feeling uh quite lethargic," I say, trying my best to not seem excited. She eyes me up and down then sighs. "Follow me to the examination room." She gets up and I follow her, in awe the entire way there.

I sit down on a tiny chair and sway my feet looking at Takemi walk inside, close the door then lock it. "So, why are you really here? Clearly, you are very energetic, so there's no way your actually sick" she eyes me down. Ah, I've been caught. I look beside her. "Well, I'm here to get medicine for my entrance exams, you know to make my focus better." She looks at me, then unlocks the door. "There are energy drinks for that. I don't have any obligation to help you. You're free to leave." She moves to beside the door. "Um! I can help you around here! If you can help me!" I say bowing. "Hmm, You know you aren't half bad either, finding high school testers is a hard find. So this will be quite useful. Alright, I'll help you." She moves through a door in the back of the room and brings back a red liquid in a cup. Oh god, I don't want to pass out. "I'll help you if you can test out this medicine I'm developing." She hands me the liquid. I look at it as it swirls around in the cup and how vibrant of a red it is. This is no kool-aid. "You don't have to, the exit is right there" She nods to the door. Ugh. "Well, bottoms up" I swirl the cup before downing the entire thing. Immediately the smell fills my nose. Getting progressively harder to breathe. Ugh, so this is what the protagonist had to go through. It's so much harder than I thought. The next thing I know, the room goes out and all I hear is, "Game over."

Waking up, I sit upon a fairly comfy bed quite dazed. "Looks like your up, do you remember anything from the moment from taking the drug and now? Feeling anything out of place?" Did I do something stupid in front of my girl!? What did I do?"Judging by the look on your face, I'd say you don't. Don't worry, nothing major happened. You woke up in a slight daze 5 minutes after the medicine, said some jibberish then passed out onto the bed." I put my face into my hands. Ugh, how could this happen? I hear some slight giggling and I look up to see Takemi looking at me with a small smile. At least I got to see her smile. Although, the reason for the smile hurts my pride. "Well, you are all good to go. You've given me some good data and I should be able to make a new medicine by next week. Be careful on your way home, little lab rat."

On my way home all I could think about was Takemi.

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