Chapter 16

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Opening the door, there's another hall. What? Aren't I supposed to be close to the library? I take out the map again. Frig, I misread it. The room is four rooms away. Gah, I'm so stupid. I'm going to get myself killed if I keep making mistakes. I need to get it together.Running through the hall door, I am above the entrance of the castle. Bars are blocking the way to the staircase. Well, it's not like I was going down there either way. If I remember correctly I've got to go up onto the chandeliers and make it across to the other side. Looking up, there's a beam connected to the pillar and being held up by chains. At the wall, there's a bookshelf that is conveniently tall enough to reach the beam. I jump up the bookshelf and get ready to hop onto the beam, at least until I catch a glimpse of the ground. Not only was I on the second floor, but was on top of a bookshelf going further above. God, this is so far up. I can feel my legs shaking a little and my hands sweating an entire pond. Remember, the quicker I do this the quicker I can get down. For Shiho; I remind myself. I leap onto the beam. I grab onto the pillar to steady myself. Avoiding looking down too much I balance my way to the first of the three chandeliers. Leaping over it. the chandelier swings from the force of my jump. Immediately, I hold onto the railing. Why are there railings on a chandelier? My eyes wander downwards as I wait for the chandelier to stop swinging, no nope don't look down. That only makes it worse. The chandelier finally stops swaying and I slowly walk forward. I make my way to the second chandelier, holding onto the railing the whole way. Taking a step back, I jump onto the second chandelier. Holding onto the railing for dear life, I hear a popping noise? I turn towards the sound and see a soldier looking at me. "Hey! Intruder!" the soldier starts marching to me. Oh, frig. I quickly stand onto my feet and start rushing to the last chandelier. The chandelier is swaying so much from us moving around that I might throw up from motion sickness. "Get back here!" It may be my imagination, but I swear the soldier is centimeters from yanking me. As I'm about to jump onto the last chandelier, out of intuition, I move to the side only to see the soldier's sword coming down where I last was. The soldier stumbles down, scrambling to get back up. Before they can get back up, I kick them off the chandelier. The soldier falls all the way down to the parlor with a loud clang. Then, the armor vanishes in a black mist. Grabbing onto the railing, I try to stop the room from spinning. Although the swaying of the chandelier isn't helping much. After a few moments of recuperation, I jump to the last chandelier and onto the last beam. Once I'm back down on the solid ground, I breathe in a huge sigh of relief. Holy frig man, that was close. How could I forget that there was a shadow that is always on that chandelier? I need to focus, any mistakes could kill me. Moving on through the door, there are many desks with chairs and on a certain table, there's a chest with a lock. Wow! it's so sparkly and bright! It even makes the sound it did in the game! I wonder how it glows and makes sounds like that? No matter, I have a couple of lockpicks that I can spare. I take one out and start cracking at the lock. After some tinkering, the lock popped open, the chest creaking open slightly. From the small crack, there are rays of light. Opening the chest all the way, I reach into the chest, and outcomes out a golden breastplate and an onyx. Wow, this will for sure sell for a lot of money! Maybe I really will get that gun. Putting my treasure into my bag I look around the room. There's another safe room on the right side of the room! I open the door and collapse onto the chairs inside. Man, I'm exhausted. I haven't really been fighting anything, but the many close calls are wearing me out. No matter how tired I am, I can still go through this. When I get back, I'm going to take a long hot bath at the bathhouse. I hope doing all this will stop Kamoshida for a bit. After my small break, I leave the safe room and continue forward. The next room was a long corridor hall. Surprisingly enough, there weren't any shadows here at all. Then again, they could be hiding. It's better to keep my guard up. I unsheathe my katana as I keep walking forward, looking around every corner before I walk out. Still nothing. What's going on? If my memory serves me right, there should at least be four shadows around these parts. Well, as long as I can get out of here alive and with my goal accomplished, oh well. I reach some stairs and continue onwards. At the top, bars are blocking the way forward, and there are several bulls with a pull tab like the ones in the map puzzle room. Looks like another puzzle. On the floor, obvious mud tracks are going from one bull to another. I pull each one, following the tracks, and hear the bars move from behind me. Nice. The next room is a dining hall with many more bars and bulls. You've got to be kidding me. Is it really necessary to have this many bars, especially in a dining hall? Taking a deep breath, I look around for clues. At least there is an entire area with the bars raised. Going through, there is another sparkling volleyball. With a simple touch, it shatters and out pops a locked collar. Luckily enough, just like the other puzzles, tracks are going from one bull to another. I pull one of the tabs, and the bars next to the bull rose, then the bars in the previously unlocked area slam down. Are you kidding me? It's a back and fourth puzzle? This is going to take a while to solve. Welp, I better do it quick then. After a good while, I was finally able to open the last set of bars; making it to the end. I even got some extra nicknacks in a chest I found. It doesn't look good enough to sell, so I'm just going to wash it before I decide what next to do with it. Now that all that's over with, time to continue. Walking through the pillars, there's another soldier. Running to hide beside a furnace, I don't make a sound. As the soldier is turned away from me, I make another dash to the door. As I open this door, I can hear metal steps. Dang, another soldier. Luckily, when I open the door enough to see, the soldier is walking to a door on the other side. Looking around this room, there is a long bookcase right beside the door I'm at. I quickly scramble up the bookcase. Just in time too because the soldier was walking towards where I was moments before. Now that I'm up on the bookcase, I have a better view around the room, Beside me, there is a vent along with another bookcase. Hmm, I could jump there and check out what's on the other side of the side of that vent, or check out the door.....Why not collect more items?I jump onto the next shelf, then crawl into the vent. As I'm crawling, I can hear the sound of a chest. Nice! This vent wasn't just a red herring! Reaching the end of the vent, I come to a stop as I see a Shadow and chest in the same room. Gah! I shouldn't have celebrated so quickly! How am I supposed to get that chest without fighting it? No, I can't even leave this room without that shadow realizing I'm here. All of this is really beginning to tire me out! All these dumb puzzles, having to tip-toe around the place, running for my life; all getting on my nerves! Emerging from the vent, I jump down and immediately hop onto the shadow. I feel it jump from under me, as if surprised, but in a fit of anger I rip off its mask, revealing its true form.

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