Anticipation (Izumi)

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I was sprinting through the hallways! My heart was beating out of my chest as I ran as fast as I could, I was trying to find where they took Kacchan! After that freak crushed his hand I...I didn't know what to think! How the hell could he loose to a support kid! It didn't make any sense! We were always the best in everything! So how could he loose to someone like that! Someone But that hair......Kacchan destroyed his mask but I never got a good look at his face...... By the time I finally made it to the tent I saw Recovery Girl wiping her hands with a cloth.

"Kacchan where is he!" I shouted much to the chagrin of Recovery girl.... The old hag glared at me as she released a sigh.

"Hello Izumi, it's nice to see you again too dear" Recovery Girl deadpanned. I wanted to wipe that smug look off her face! She cleared her throat when I didn't respond to her sarcasm.

"If you meant young Bakugo....he's right over here although he's currently unconscious at the momen-". I didn't let her finish as I barged past and headed toward Kacchan.

I froze when I got past the curtain....his face was covered in oxygen mask was over his face and his hand was in a massive cast...I....I couldn't help but see...him.

"He's stable right now but he'll need additional care at a hospital, he'll be sent over to Mustafu general in a few hours." Recovery girl said from behind me, my fist clenched tight as I pushed away the pathetic tears I even felt my voice nearly choke when I spoke.

"I want him expelled." I growled out, how the hell could they just let that freak get away with this! With what he did to Kacchans hand!

"Who dearie?" She asked, I just scoffed as I scowled at her..

"OBITO! Obviously!" I barked out but to her credit she didn't flinch.

"Sure thing! But young Bakugo would also likely be expelled too then." The old hag said as she inspected Kacchans IV. I glared at her in response.

"And why's that hm?! Kacchans the one with the ruined hand! Did you see what that freak did to him?! Hm! He's nothing but a fucking villian!" I almost shouted at her on accident! I was just so mad! Why the hell was Obito still allowed to compete! The old bitch had the nerve to scoff

"I won't be having you call him that first of all! And secondly dearie if we punished one student for acts within the arena, well Bakugo isn't so innocent is he. I condem what both of them did girlie but what's done is done and what happens to them is up to Nezu." She said, I could almost feel my blood boil!

"Like what! That purple headed nobody? Kacchan did what he had to end the fight! Obito didn't need to crush his fucking hand!" I growled out to which Recovery girl pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Bakugo broke Shinsos back Izumi."

That's all she! he was faking it! For attention! Kacchan didn't even hit him that hard!....he couldn't have..I could feel my stomach drop as that god awful guilt began to set in my gut...was...was it my fault? Katsuki always took things to far so if I didn't throw the stone then....I was cut off by her continuing.

"I shouldn't have told you that...look for now both of them will be fine, there's nothing you can do now so I suggest you try and relax the finals will be starting soon...I'm sure you'll want to conserve your energy, so shoo! Off with you he'll be fine!" She started to push me out the room and to my surprise....I didn't fight it? Before I knew it I was facing the stadium again.

I started walking back inside, I wanted to scream and throw things! How could they just do nothing! That's when I got an idea, if they let that happen, well then I could do whatever I wanted to put the villian in the ground!

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