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A sickening squelching sound came from the ally as a metal fist turned something wet into paste...
Mei a near victim of a horrible act laid barely conscious on the dirty pavement, her eyes barely focused on a massive figure.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT! PlEASE! pppppp PLEAAGHH-" the screams were swiftly silenced....with a boot crushing his wind pipe....

"You.....YOU KILLED THEM YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!!!!" Only two more of the attackers remained.....the one who'd struck Izuku with the bat.....and the monster who attempted to rape his friend both of which were not in good shape.....the figure stood still as the man rushed him. He didn't move as the man reach down and grabbed an old pipe and raised it to smash him in the head once. As the pipe fell the wrist was caught. Toxic green eyes bore completely into the man pure rage and hate rested behind them, there was not even an ounce of mercy hidden within the toxic orbs.  With a wicked


The man's wrist and hand was utterly ruined....crushed into a mess of flesh and bone. The figures other hand reached up and grabbed the wailing man by the face bringing him close.

"MeN go tO jaIl"
The hollow and empty voice said as the man begged and fought against the figures unmoving grip..... His cries fell on deaf ears......

As his jaw was separated from his body.

"DOgs GeT put DoWn"

Mei watched dazed as the...corpse fell to the ground and the man who'd attacked her coward on the ground pushing himself farther and farther into the corner his knife hand quirk fully extended to try and guard himself as he cried and begged.... The figures head and nearly glowing eyes locked directly on him the rain poured around them mixing with the blood and grime of the ally the only sounds was the cowering mans pleads...and the choking of the now jawless man as he drowned in his own blood. Then the sound of heavy boots pounded as the...predator stalked to his prey..

"STAY BACK! YOU FREAK! STAY THE FUCK BACK!!" The disgusting man shouted swinging his hand back and forth wildly the silhouette of their attacker approached through the darkness. In an instant the figure was in front of knife hand...said knife hand was quickly....removed

It happened so fast he'd hardly noticed until the blood erupted from the socket...before he could even scream a mechanical hand wrapped tightly around his throat and lifted him into the air with one hand..smacking and punching the monster didn't even move only glared as once knife hand chocked and fought for his life.

"Wha...WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!"  He shouted desperation in his voice as he clawed at The figures grip.

"Death" the figure said matter a factly...before crushing the man's throat and dropping him. Leaving him to suffocate.

The last thing Mei Hatsumei saw before finally claimed into unconsciousness was the figure....was Izuku stumbling towards her. The next thing she knew....she was waking up to a white room and the sound of machines beeping.

When Meis eyes adjusted she was no longer in that decrepit ally but a clean and warm nurses office? She looked around confused until she saw what was beside her...another bed who's occupant was heavily bandaged and unconscious. A very frail looking man laid across the occupant clutching their hand. Mei could see a scared arm and tuffs of green hair sticking through the bandages, it clicked quickly who it was.

"M, Mu-" her throat felt as if it was on fire as she couldn't force out the words. Quickly a tender hand pushed on her shoulder forcing her back into the bed. Meis frightened eyes landed on a very short older woman who had a kind and understanding smile.

"Now now Dearie you need your rest! You suffered a pretty bad concussion and bad swelling in your throat it'll be able a day until you'll be able to speak properly. Your at UA dearie Izuku Yagi brought here both of you were in rough shape. We've contacted your parents and assured them you were safe, just lay back and get some more rest. The young fool over there will be fine he's just asleep." She said gesturing to the bandaged occupant and sleeping man. Before she even had time to register it Mei fell back into unconsciousness, a deep and restful slumber awaiting her.

Authors note:

Sup doods! Suprise another little chapter since I didn't wanna keep the "cliff hanger" all day. Finally y'all get a lil glimpse of some happenings! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the brutality against some despicable mother fuckers! But now what?!

Mei and Izuku are recovering at UA after presumably Izuku dragged them both back there after the accident. So what do y'all think will happen now?

Anyway I'm glad to be back and actually having the motivation to write! This is gonna be a pretty important chapter going forward for an important sub plot. Anyway cheers yall and stay baller doods!

Piece By Piece. (Cyber Izuku)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora