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Izukus eyes began to flutter open. His head pounded as if he was being split in two! Covering his eyes from the blinding light he released a cough. He tried to talk to Liz....but all he got was a hollow hum in response.....she'd gone inactive? The all too familiar rhythmic cadence of a heart monitors. Sounded in his ears. He had several questions but considering his now impeccable hospital edict! He froze took a second......then tried to asses what the fuck happened! The last thing he remembered was getting grabbed by those guys......and then dropping in front of UA...
Every natural joint in his body ached and felt extremely stiff, and his head continued to pound.

Stretching out nearly every bone in his body released satisfying clicks, pops, and cracks. Still shielding his eyes he realized quickly that whatever happened wasn't all that serious if he came out of it just a little bruised!......he then noticed his broken hand......and a misshapen and disfigured prothetic. Due to it not being charged he couldn't hardly move the appendage but the plating that covered the internals was ruined on the knuckles and fingers. They looked almost like a claw? Like a werewolf or something with how the fingers were now....but for certain it was ruined.....what the fuck happened to it?!

Izuku was trying his best to remain calm...and was failing. Lately whenever he woke up his body felt horrible....either pulled muscles to full on war wounds! But this....this was the first time something had when he was just conscious......the logical response was that he was knocked out from the bat and then was just beat on for a bit hence the extra damage. It was a good theory and the only one which made the most sense....then something dawned on him in that moment.
If they knocked him out and beat the shit out of him.....Then what the hell did they do to Hatsumei! His world seemed to crush in around him as anxiety and panic spread through his every being....He looked all around the general area in search but to no luck, He was alone in the "office". In his panic filled episode he didn't notice the door slide open and the short woman who entered.

"Jesus boy! Lay down! You just suffered an egregious head wound! Christ how can you be the smartest boy I've ever met but a complete moron!!" Recovery girl shouted causing Izuku to jump in fright!

"Jesus Chio!" He replied his familiar distorted voice slightly more gravely after lack of use. Forcing himself to calm down he took the proper priorities. "There was girl! I think she came in with me but I can't remember....was, was she here! Was she alright! Was she hurt! Oh please tell me she wasn't hurt! We got attackedandidontknowificouldlivewiyhmyselfifshegotbadlyhurtohdoherlarentsknowohgodshesgonnahatemenow!" Chio silently waited for the rambles to end as she couldn't make out a single word! Eventually the boy had to take a breath and she made her move.

"Relax kiddo! If you you mean miss Hatsumei..we'll she's fine! She was discharged yesterday she had some swelling in her throat and a concussion as well as some bumps and bruises other than that! She is fine! You okay the other hand suffered actual brain damage! You be comatose if it weren't for me so. Get. Back. In. That. Bed. " She said emphasizing her words the air around her seemingly to chill as the fear of god was forced into Izuku as he was practically thrown back into the bed!

Laying down properly Recovery Girl began to preform tests to insure that Izuku was perfectly healthy. Aside from his remaining concussion he'd somehow made a full recovery! Recovery girl tried to question why it looked like he challenged his father to a fight! To the best of his recollection he tried to explain that nights events stopping when the three men grabbed him and then stating when he collapsed at UA, stating he had no recollection of what happened between those events. Recovery girl exclaimed that Yuna had nearly smothered him in his sleep after she and His father were made aware of his state, which Izuku could only cower in fear of. He was also told that Toshinori had spent nearly every moment with him having to leave to preform his teaching's then that it dawned on him that he'd been asleep for the entire weekend and that it was Monday once again.....He was also told that he was free to join class for the rest of the day if he'd like, which he decided to take up in hope Hatsumei had come today. He really wanted to make sure she was alright. However there were a few glaring issues with that plan.
Number one being: he didn't have his uniform, the solution was Chio just gave him a new one.
Number two was: his prosthesis was ruined and he couldn't use it! Chio suggested calling Yuna and having her go to his house and bring him a replacement!
Finally: he didn't have his mask anymore.......he had visor but it was currently ripped apart in the garage whilst he was "performing witch craft" on it. He was offered a regular medical mask in replacement for today...

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