Connection (end of Recovery)

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Izuku sat and stared at his creation, her eyes shown true innocence and purity, a being incorporated by the world. An utter contrast to the hollow husk he's become. They simply looked at each other for a while studying every detail of the other it appeared that "Elizabeth" was beginning to pick up on his tendencies, even in the short amount of time.

"Cou-....Elizabeth. Can I ask you a favour?" Izuku asked.

"Of course! I'm always happy to help!" She had a large smile, just like AllMight actually.

"Would..would you be willing to help me? I, I cant use my body much these days. What I'm asking, can you help make me whole? I can't do it alone, Elizabeth I give you the full choice. But, please help me save lives. Help me be a hero!......Will you be my co pilot?" This was extremely difficult for Izuku, he'd never really had a friend or someone to talk to before...much less a child.
Elizabeth simply stared for a minute, slowly she made a step forward and "gently" placed a hand on Izukus prosthetic. Slowly she slid her fingers through the grooves of the joints. She looked shy yet curious.

"What happened?"  She looked at him much like a child curious of a parents story. Izuku watched as new grooves formed in her face as her hair grew in length. Izuku gave a glance back to the others before speaking.

"I an accident..." Izukus fist involuntarily clenched as he remembered what happened. His body trembled of the memory of Izumi threatening him.

Elizabeth gave the most innocent and pure smile as if she were an actual person before she answered. "I was created from Counter was her purpose to help you...... So...I want to honour her sacrifice!! So...I've got your back...papa"  She had an actual heroic look in her eye, he body slightly glowed brighter her last word was whispered as if unsure and skiddish. Izuku gave his first in several years, genuine smile.

One Year Later

Thump thump thump thump thump!!!!
"THIRTY SECONDS CMON RUN RUN RUN!" AllMight stood on the sideline of the track stop watch and a coaching outfit equipped!

"HA! huff huff! HA!"

"Switching to third gear! Venting right lung in 3..2...1!"

"Pssh HISSSS!" Steam shot from a steal jaw! The repeated quick thumps on the ground the vibrations traveling up his body. He could hardly hear anything other than his own heart beat, the world looked like it was crawling all eh could do was run!

"TIME!" AllMight yelled! A massive smile on his face as he looked in the direction of the runner. He watched as steam bellowed from the boys mouth his trimmed hair stuck wet to the top of his head like a green mop. There was a small hush as the visor folded behind his ear exposing his scared face and green eyes.
"Well done my boy! YOU GOT EIGHT DASHES! IN THIRTY SECONDS HAHA!" AllMight gave his traditional belly laugh

"It's not good enough still...Liz what's the average?" His voice held a distorted quality at the end of his words. A small hologram of a significantly older looking Elizabeth appeared in his palm. "Currently that run beat the average. So far tho ya get bout six and a half!" The AI answered in her weird excited mocking tone? God teenagers are the worst!

The young man pinched his nose and took a deep breath before grabbing his water bottle and making his way over to his father. A dejected look on his face that sat in contrast to the massive smile. As Toshinori watched his son approach his smile faltered as in a puff of smoke he returned to his true form.

"Izuku....bud what's the matter?! You did great!" He said bridging the gap between them.

"And that's still not enough! UA is in Ten months dad! If I even have a chance I need to be the best I can possibly be without question! After everything you've told me if I'm not strong enough I can make it into the hero course and still get kicked out! Even with Liz! Their going to judge me ten times as hard you taught me that so I need to thag much stronger! I can't leave any doubt about that." Toshinori looked at the now decently sized Izuku. After the creation of Elizabeth Izuku had made leaps and bounds in progress....he finally became whole. In the literal impossibility Izuku was actually standing in front of him talking to him! Training with him!!!! Yet he still could only see the flaws.

"Bud listen." Toshinoris tone left no room for argument it simply shut the seventeen year old up. "Do you remember what I said to you a few years ago? Bud your without a doubt the strongest person to ever walk this damn planet! Look at you!!! The world told you from the start that you were destined for nothing! It still took more from you when you dared to try! When you had nothing left to give when it took absolutely everything from you!" He pointed to Izuku's heart "you got back up! You did the impossible what nearly every doctor said to you, you proved wrong! You're the strongest kid I've ever met hell the strongest person! But're not alone! Not in the slightest!!" Izuku never met his gaze. His hand clenched taught and he shrugged off his fathers hand from his shoulder.

"Ya, I get it.." Toshinori felt his Hearst ache as his son walked away from him, and further into his own darkness.

"Pops...everything alright?" Liz said sending the vibrations to his ear drums. Izuku let out a king cat like stretch his spine clicked and popped at the motions. She pouted when Izuku ignored her.
"I will hey, look, listen you!" He shot her a withering glare his silence more than enough to verbalize his distain for the idea. Izuku closed his eyes and ran his hand through his hair.

"It's not enough and we both know it. Over half those kids will hate you. The other half will be stronger than you. No matter how many times you say your not you are still! Just Deku! There's no running from that. So, wear it like armour, wield your rage as a weapon! And no one will hurt you again! let NO ONE! Stand in your way, if you want a chance to beat them! You need to rip and tear,

Piece by piece"

"POPS!" Izuku was pulled from dreaming, but a shout from Liz who was shaking her hand at Izuku. He looked up to see the ghostly visage wasn't there. Shaking his head he brought his attention back to his artificial child.

"I'm here sorry just zoned out. It's's not enough. Those kids will have had years of training for their powers and Km not strong enough to face that. Im not strong enough to beat them!" He spat the last word with enough venom to kill a honey badger! Liz gave the most deadpan expression before giving a devilish smirk.

"Who said we had to fight them fair?"

Authors note:

HEY YALL! Sorry for the criminal lack of updates I've been real busy! Finally tho things are starting to get into gear! I know the time skip was a bit abrupt but I plan on flashing back every now and then for important bits! But finally! FINALLY! Our main man is whole!

Also I've thought of what I think is a significantly better hero name for Izuku! I'll ask you guys if you wanna hear it now or when I reveal it later!

Also holy shit!!! 26 thousand reads!! You all have been awesome and I love seeing your theories and how into this yall are! I should hopefully have more updates soon!

In the mean time here's a glimpse at my next project!

In the mean time here's a glimpse at my next project!

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