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Toshinori woke up to the sound of the worlds most devastating creation.....the alarm clock.
Tiredly stretching out of bed he noticed quickly that Inko wasn't there, sighing in both exhaustion and disappointment he pulled himself together and got ready.

Walking from his room Toshinori was met with an absolute disaster of a house. Drinks laid just about everywhere and where they weren't there was a person they were surrounding.

Turns out things got a little insane! He'd gone to bed fairly early when the booze came out since he couldn't participate. Taking a deep breath he ignored the destruction that enveloped his home. He searched among the mess and sleeping bodies for his wife but to no avail. He did manage however to find and take MANY pictures of a sleeping Aizawa sucking his thumb. After silently chuckling to himself for a good three minutes, Toshi resolved to cleaning the house.

"Printing percent complete!" The chipper voice rang out.

Izuku was neck deep in his project, however he was utterly exhausted. The hospital wouldn't let him pull all-nighters while he was there, something about "detrimental to his mental and physical recovery" whatever that meant?! Rubbing his tired eyes he continued typing his what felt like millionth line of code. He'd begun testing, designing, and now creating, the Mark I as soon as he entered his garage the previous night. Luckily he'd already design most of the basics, and was in the process of creating the chassis and coding the machine. It was basic in design and limited in functionality, but it was a start! It was the test drive.

Deciding it was best to take a minute away from his fixation, Izuku leaned back in his chair various bones popped and click at the action. Rolling his neck it released a sickening crunch along with a wave of relief. Taking a deep and painful breath he rolled away from his workbench.

"It is advised that you get nine hours of sleep for optimal physical and mental recovery time! You have currently rested for Zero hours and zero minutes!" The voice rang out. Izuku simply rolled his eyes. Counter measure, the Ai that Izuku had been creating before the accident as a way to combat quirks had become a nuisance since being activated.

While he had begun production on his "rehabilitation" the previous night Izuku had remembered about the incomplete creation. Whilst waiting on a render he began to tinker with the AIs behaviour core whilst he didn't need a combative companion yet, an assistant would be helpful. Just turns out his assistant had become his mother. He'd made modifications to the limited machine, it wasn't at the state where he wanted it more like a smarter Phone assistant but it would do for now.

Izuku has begun to ignore the AI for simply doing its purpose. It was reminding him about useless things at this point, like food. Who needed food?
Looking back to his workbench he stared at the framework for his creation, the bones yet to be made whole. Staring at the frame Izuku for a second found himself staring at the dark horse, it's skeleton frame without its heart resting on a hoist.

He then saw the road, the world slowing down around him as he impacted. He could smell the smoke and taste the blood, he could hear a phrase? A call-out?


An attack.

Izuku jolted back in his wheelchair, confusion and fear clouded his mind. He had to check his surroundings several times before the connection of where he was finally clicked. A single tear rolled down his cheek, a void had been set in his heart, and all he wanted was to let it consume him. Looking back at the skeletal frame his sadness quickly transformed. Replaced by a twisting feeling in his gut that spread through his entire body. His body trembled and shook as his face contorted, a drive ignited his voided heart once more.

They would pay, he'd be sure of it.

Toshinori had finally, FINALLY! Cleaned the remaining cans and bottles and sent the stragglers home nearly two and half hours later! AND STILL IT WAS A MESS! Sighing in exhaustion the man collapsed onto the living room couch. Closing his eyes for a second his mind wandered back to the previous night, how quickly everything got out of control, Izumi's performance, Izuku's shocked face!.........Where had he gone? Sitting up and leaning over Toshi dug deeper to recall the previous evening, thinking to the times he saw his son all he could remember was the start of the party? Everything had gotten so chaotic so fast that he couldn't recall seeing his son again after that?!

Slightly panicking Toshinori shot up from the couch and rushed up to his sons room. Stopping himself just shy of barging through the door he wrapped his fingers on the door three times.

Not receiving an answer he slowly opened the door, and was met by......emptiness? He'd question where his kid was until it clicked and he felt like a moron. His son was wheel chair bound and he hadn't had a chance to show him the lift!! Feeling like an utter failure of a father a second realization hit him. THE GARAGE! Of course! He had to be in his workshop!

Dashing down the stairs he desperately wanted to apologize to Izuku for how out of hand things got especially since it was supposed to be his party! Making his way Toshinori was frozen by a sound.
An ear shattering unearthly wale.

Buffing up and bolting to the garage Toshinori nearly busted the door down! His nostrils were attacked by the smell of burning flesh. Looking down he saw it.

Izuku sat in his wheelchair, tears ran down his face yet his eyes were fixed in a glare of pure drive and...hate? Looking down farther Toshinori saw what caused the horrid smell. Attached to Izukus right stump and still smoking from being attached to his body. Sat something that shocked and horrified Toshinori, attached to Izuku

Was a mechanical claw.

Authors note:

Hey y'all! Sorry I didn't update yesterday my work kicked my ass! Anyways! This was also just a massive struggle to write for some reason. Right now I have a ton of ideas for the sports festival along with some other events it's just a matter of getting there lol!

I hope you all liked this chapter and to those who are wondering it's gonna be a slower process for Izuku rebuilding his body tho it'll get quicker with time.

Now onto business! I currently have this listed as an Izumei ship, however now I'm not so sure. So I'll leave it to you guys!

Izumomo (Momo X Izuku)

Izumei (Mei X Izuku)

It'll be significantly easier to write Izumomo I think but I could go either way!

Just wanted to give another huge thanks to you all nearly at like 6K?! Which is fucking insane! And another thanks to all the comments I love reading them and seeing how invested you all are! So thanks again and stay baller

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