Chapter 33

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Jordan goes upstairs after breakfast and sees Tyquez sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You good?", she asked.

"I'm fine. Just trying to regroup myself", said Tyquez.

"...I talked to Will...he said that he didn't tell you anything last night", said Jordan. "So...was it just me last night that got you soft or?"

"Jordan baby, you'd never do that", said Tyquez.

"So whats up?", asked Jordan. "You get soft and then you act funny for the rest of the night. Will was acting funny"

"What you mean funny?", asked Tyquez.

"He wouldn't even look at me", said Jordan. "I don't know what you told him or what I did but—"

"He saw you", said Tyquez.

"What?", asked Jordan.

"I- I didn't mean to but while I was talking to you, I accidentally flipped the camera view to my back camera...and he saw you", said Tyquez.

"What the fuck, Quez!", Jordan shouted.

"Shhh shhh", said Tyuqez.

"Shhh?? He saw me sucking your dick!", Jordan shouted.

"You think I don't feel bad about this? He same my soon to be wife using her tricks me. Not only that be he saw her naked", said Tyquez. "I don't want nobody seeing that."

"Neither do I", said Jordan. "And this is exactly why you will never get a sex tape. Ever. I love to keep this relationship and the sex spicy because from the jump is has always been spicy before we started dating but I don't want viewers."

Tyquez sighs.

"I feel so embarrassed", she said as she sat down. "What the fuck Quez. You're so stupid."

"It was a accident", said Tyquez.

Jordan stands up and walks to the bathroom.

Tyquez sucks his teeth.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door so Tyquan could stood up and opened it. It was Jordan's mom, with Alexis. Alexis is crying.

"Where Jordan?", asked her mom.

"In the bathroom. Is something wrong?", asked Tyquez.

"She's crying, Tyquez", said her mom.

"I mean like Ms. Robinson, I'm right here.", he said with a smile. "You can talk to me."

"I just didn't know if you'd know what to do", said her mom. "Jordan does most of the work with the kids so..."

Tyquez makes a face. Before he could say anything, Jordan walks out of the bathroom.

"What's wrong with Alexis? I never heard her cry like that", said Jordan.

"I've been trying to comfort her but she won't stop. I think something's wrong. She's been doing it all night", said her mom.

"Why didn't you call me?", asked Jordan.

"I know you guys wanted to spend the night  alone for once. I was a mother once, I can handle a cry but...I think something's wrong.", said her mom.

Jordan takes Alexis from her mom and walks to the couch and sits down. She starts bouncing Alexis gently as she observes her.

"How's Marcus?", asked Tyquez.

"Fine, talking his granddaddy's head off", said her mom.

"I can walk with you to go get him", said Tyquez.

"No, you guys have Alexis to worry about. Keep me updated Jordan", said her mom.

Her mom walks out.

Tyquez stands there for a moment as if something was bothering him.

"I just think she may be sick", said Jordan. "She is a little warm. I'll go and get—"

"I'll get some medicine", said Tyquez.

"Yea but I wanna make sure you get the right stuff", said Jordan. "It'll just be faster if I do it."

"Just send me a screenshot. I got it", said Tyquez. "Just let me do something."

"Fine. I'll send you a screenshot", said Jordan.

Tyquez walks to his clothes and puts some socks on, then he puts his shoes on.

"I'll be back", said Tyquez.

"Okay", said Jordan.

Tyquez felt the room and went by Will's room. After knocking on the door, Will opened it.

"What?", asked Will.

"Come with me to the store. We need to talk", said Tyquez.

"If it's about last night, I ain't say nothing to Jordan", said Will.

"I know. But she knows now anyway. Besides that ain't what I wanna talk about", said Tyquez.

"...alright", said Will. "Let me get the key and I'm coming."

"I'll be in my car", said Tyquez.

"Alright", said Will before he let the door shut.

As Tyquez and Will drove to the store, they began talking about. Mostly, Tyquez.

"I just...I don't know. I think I wanna sell the company", said Tyquez.

"Why?", asked Will.

"Because well...I feel like I'm not there for my family like I should be", said Tyquez.

"Hell somebody gotta work", said Will.

"I didn't say I was going to sit on my ass for the rest of my life. I just mean...I wanna get a less demanding job. Every time it's something wrong with the kids, it's always "Jordan", "Jordan", "Jordan". Nobody ever comes to me first. And I'm not even going to lie, I do the same thing sometimes. I expect Jordan to do everything when it comes to the kids and...i mean like I do somethings sometimes but everything is mostly on her", said Tyquez.

"Quez, she's at home while you work. Yea, she has here little business and now she's your assistant but...still she's the mom, she's the woman...she's a natural born nurturer. Even if he help out more often, they still want to do everything themselves.", said Will.

"So I shouldn't tell the business?", asked Tyquez.

"You should do whatever you want to do, but before you do to your woman", said Will. "She'll be your best advice giver for this."

Tyquez nods.

"You're right...and another thing...can you please act more normal about Jordan.", said Tyquez.

"I'm sorry, man. I just can't unsee it", said Will.

Suddenly, Tyquez gets a email on his phone. He checks it as he stops at the red light.

"The light is red", said Will.

Tyquez stared at his phone.

"Quez", said Will.

Tyquez snapped out of it and hit the gas to continue driving.

"What's wrong?", asked Will.

"Nothing", said Tyquez. "'s something. Something crazy. I don't wanna talk about it right now."

Will looks at Tyquez's phone. He didn't turn the screen off yet. He saw "DNA results" but he couldn't read the rest. Will looks at Tyquez's face and couldn't tell if he was worried or sad.


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