Chapter 14

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When Jordan arrived home from dropping Mahogany off, the house looked a mess.

It was a a pillow fort in the middle of the floor and silly string everywhere.

"What in the h-"

Suddenly, Marcus came running up and sprayed silly string on her.

Jordan gasps.

Tyquez came downstairs.

"Bae, I'm going to clean all of this up.", said Tyquez.

"You better", said Jordan with a smile but really she was mad. "You like my nails?"

Tyquez walked to her and looked at her hand.

"Why do you always ask me what color you should get and never get what I say?", asked Tyquez.

"I don't know", said Jordan. "Do you like it though?"

"Yea", said Tyquez before he kissed her cheek.

"Oh and by the way I'm going out tonight", said Jordan.

"Where to?", asked Tyquez.

"Club or bar to get hang out with Naomi", said Jordan.

"Oh Naomi is back in town?", he asked.

"Yes", said Jordan.

"Just you and her going or—"

"Ever since she broke up with her ex, you've been acting funny about Naomi. Why?", asked Jordan.

"Somebody who you had no interest in and was just using isn't considered an ex. But if you must know, I don't care for her. She got some hoe-ish ways", said Tyquez. "You going to the club with somebody who is single and acts like that isn't right."

"Let's see...Will is single. Kenneth is single...oh let me guess, you hang around them so much that you forgot you were in a relationship?", asked Jordan.

"...I thought that we were over that Jordan", said Tyquez.

"...I forgave you but I'll never forget", said Jordan. "Remember that"

"Let's not do this in front of Marcus", said Tyquez.

"You should set a better example for him then", said Jordan.

Jordan walked upstairs.


Jordan is in the bathroom putting on make-up as Tyquez watches TV.

He looks at her every now and then to see how she looked. He didn't know what she had on under her robe, but he knew that her make up looked good.


Once Jordan is done with her makeup, she lets her hair out of the clips to let it fall freely

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Once Jordan is done with her makeup, she lets her hair out of the clips to let it fall freely. She took her robe off and checks herself out in the mirror.

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