Chapter 39

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When Jordan got home Tyquez and Marcus was watching a movie in the living room.

Tyquez looks at Jordan and Jordan looks at him.

"Hey", she said.

"Hey", said Tyquez.

Jordan looks at Marcus. "Somebody is up late for it to be a school night", said Jordan.

"I know, I told him we could watch this and then he has to go to sleep", said Tyquez.

Jordan sits next to Marcus so that he is between her and Tyquez.

Jordan kisses Marcus's forehead. "Okay, fine", she said before looking at the TV.

"I've been thinking about everything and...I'll come to terms with your decision. We should work on coparenting and building a friendship", said Tyquez.

"We already have both of those things...especially a friendship.", said Jordan.

"I mean like a strong friendship", said Tyquez.

Jordan looks away and nods. "Okay", she said as she looks at him again.

"Cool", said Tyquez.

Jordan looks down then at the television. Even though she meant what she said about breaking up, a part of her wanted him to change her mind someway, somehow. Instead, he showed her maturity and understanding, which made her happy either way.

"Where's Alexis?", asked Jordan.

"Sound asleep", said Tyquez.

"Without calling me? Wow, that's a record.", said Jordan.

"Yea", he said with a smile. "Where were you anyway?"

"With mahogany", said Jordan.

"Having drinks?", he asked.

"Yea, one or two", said Jordan.

" know how I feel about you drinking and driving", said Tyquez.

"I didn't have much. My focus and vision is clear", said Jordan.

Tyquez nods as he looks at the TV.

"But you're right", said Jordan.

They all start focusing on the movie. About 30 minutes in, Jordan felt something touching her hair. That's when she realized that it was Tyquez with looking. He probably didn't even realize he was doing it. He always did it so it was a habit. Like second nature to him.

Jordan looks at Marcus and he's asleep.

"Somebody is knocked out", Jordan whispered.

Tyquez looks at Marcus.

"You're right about that", he whispered.

Tyquez stands up.

"I'll take him to bed", he said before picking him up. "We don't have to act like a we're together for the kids by the way."

"I know we don't...but let's not put too much on them at once.", said Jordan.

Tyquez walks upstairs with Marcus.

Jordan lays her head back and looks at the ceiling.


The following morning, Jordan is the kitchen cooking breakfast while Tyquez is outside swimming.

"Mommy, I want bacon", said Marcus.

"Here. Eat this while I cook everything else", said Jordan as she put two pieces of bacon on a plate and sits it in from of Marcus.

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