Chapter 31

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Tyquez walks up to Ben, who is currently talking to Jordan's dad.

"Hey, Mr. Robinson", said Tyquez. "You mind if I talk to Benjamin for a moment. Just real quick."

"Go right ahead. Jordan's mom wants me anyway, so I gotta go. You got my number", said Jordan's dad as he points to Benjamin.

"Yea I got it", said Benjamin.

Jordan's dad walks away.

"I just wanted to start by saying thank you for last night with the rest of that money", said Tyquez.

"It's the least I can do", said Benjamin. "Even if you be acting like a little b—"

"Ay ay, yea I've been bitchin' but that's only because I'm protective of my mom", said Tyquez.

"Son, I get that but—"

"I'm not your son....not yet", said Tyquez. "We gotta get to that point..but I do wanna apologize for my actions and I was hoping we can start over."

"...yea, I don't hold any grudges", said Benjamin. "But time you need to get out of something, don't expect me or anybody to always help you."

"I never had everything handed to me anyway", said Tyquez.

"Okay. Remember that. I'm not saying this to be mean or whatever. I'm saying this for your benefit. You have a family and you are the head of that family. The only person that can protect that family is you so you have to be the one to think fast to get yourself out of situations that nobody is going to be there all of the time. Once again, I'm saying this because I expect you to ask me for anything again. I'm saying this, for your benefit and for your knowledge. You're dealing with something you don't know the half of.", said Benjamin. "I can tell you are."

Tyquez nods. "Thanks for the advice.", said Tyquez.

"No problem", said Benjamin.

Tyquez begins to walk away as he thinks about what Benjamin said. He was too busy lost in his thoughts that he mistakenly bumped into someone.

Tyquez looks up and catches the person from falling and it's Jordan.

"I'm sorry", he said.

Jordan looks him in his eyes. "It's okay", said Jordan. "...I came out here to tell you sorry about last night. I um—"

"You were right. You had every right to say those things", said Tyquez. "Stop being sorry all of the time for the things you feel."

Jordan looks down.

"I handled that situation last night so don't worry about that anymore", said Tyquez.

He handled the situation in terms of things getting violent but he was still paying them off.

"Besides, I got us", said Tyquez.

"...I know.", she replied.

"...let's go out to eat tonight", said Tyquez.

"Everybody?", asked Jordan.

"No. Just us. I think we deserve that right?", asked Tyquez. "Besides, you're having another baby."

"Ty? I think the pregnancy test was wrong", said Jordan. "My period came on."

"...oh...well I guess you we can start you education sooner than we thought", said Tyquez. "We can have kids later."

"...about that...", said Jordan as she looked down for a moment.

"You don't want anymore?", he asked.

"I just...I think two healthy children are enough. We have a boy and we have a girl. I think that is all that we need.", said Jordan.

Tyquez nods.

"You okay with that?", she asked.

"It's your body baby", said Tyquez.

Jordan smiled a little.

"As long as I have you and my two healthy kids...I'm good. I feel like the man of the year", said Tyquez.

" of the year wanna do something on his bucket list tonight?", asked Jordan.

"You ain't talking about what I think you're talking about? Because you said that you'd never do that", said Tyquez.

"Well, you pulled yourself out of some shit so I think you deserve it", said Jordan. "We don't have to worry about them anymore so..."

Tyquez didn't say anything.

"My parents agreed to watch the kids. So that means we have the room and the balcony to ourselves", she said.

Tyquez bit his lip.

"I love you", said Tyquez. "Like I really, really love your freaky ass."

"What I've learned is from you", she said. "Besides, we need to keep this relationship entertaining."

"You're right...but I do need you to know that all of the good sex you give out to the side...nobody and I mean nobody is better than you in my eyes. Remember that. You are the only woman I need.", said Tyquez.

"I know", she said as she smiled.

"So because of that, I think that you should know the truth. I'm actually not done dealing with those guys. I still owe them payments", said Tyquez.

" you lied?", asked Jordan.

"Yes. Only because I didn't want you to stress but...I think it's just better you knew. I still have everything handled but it's better you knew", said Tyquez.

Jordan folds her arms.

"At least you're telling me", she said. "...I suppose that we have to find a way to get rid of them for good, huh?"

"We? No, just me", said Tyquez.

Jordan didn't say anything she just looked away.

"How much do you owe them anyway?", asked Jordan.

"Jordan, don't worry about it alright?", he asked.

"Whatever Tyquez. I'm going to talk to my sister", said Jordan before walking past him.

"Be careful", said Tyquez.

Jordan looks back at Tyquez as he walks in the other direction. She faces forward and begins to think to herself.

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