Chapter 22

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Tyquez and Jordan get on the elevator.

"Hold it!", a guy shouted as he jogged to the elevator.

Jordan pressed the button to keep it open.

The walked in and looked Jordan up and down.

"Where you headed. I've never seen you before?", he asked her with a smirk.

"Top floor", said Jordan. She replied to him to avoid confrontation.

"Damn, that's too bad. Thought I'd be see—"

Tyquez knocked the guy's brief case out of the elevator.

"Really man?", he asked as he walked out of the elevator to get his briefcase.

Tyquez pushed the button to close the elevator.

"Petty", said Jordan.

"Nigga better be lucky if he get a check", said Tyquez.

Jordan chuckled a little and shook her head.


Jordan and Tyquez are at the office late catching up on some things since they weren't at work yesterday.

"And that should be everything", said Jordan

"Great", said Tyquez.

Jordan sits on his desk and crosses her legs.

"You know it's been a little minute since we did some adult things", said Jordan.

"Not here", said Tyquez.

"Damn. Now you wanna act brand new", said Jordan.

"I just think that we shouldn't have done that in the past in here so we shouldn't do it now", said Tyquez.

"But you like to keep things spiced up.", said Jordan. "Are you mad about me going out last night or something?"

"Why would I be mad at that?", asked Tyquez.

"I don't know, you tell me", said Jordan.

If I had a problem with it, you wouldn't have went out", said Tyquez.

"I wouldn't have?", asked Jordan.

"Pretty much", said Tyquez.

"Last time I checked— you know what. Nevermind", said Jordan.

"Talk", said Tyquez. "Speak your thoughts. That's what the therapist said to do right? How about I start first. Why is your sister in our fucking business?"

"I was staying with my mom Tyquez. She knew something was up", said Jordan. "I just told her you kissed another girl. I didn't bash you for it at the time that I told her."

"I don't care", said Tyquez.

"Tyquez it's not like you don't tell Will every fuck up that I do", said Jordan.

"I don't. That's where you're wrong. The only time I go talk to Will is when I'm feeling like im not good enough", said Tyquez.

"I don't tell Mahogany everything. That was the first time I told her something in a while", said Jordan.

"So has she been putting stuff in your ear about me?", asked Tyquez.

"No", said Jordan. "She supports my decisions"

"Don't seem like it by the way she was talking to me last night", said Tyquez.

"Does she care for you?", asked Jordan. "No. But she'll get over it and like you again"

Tyquez shook his head.

"And last night? What? Did she call you or something?", asked Jordan.

Tyquez shook his head.

"So how did you communicate with her?", asked Jordan.

"I went to the club", said Tyquez.

"Why?", asked Jordan.

"Because Will wanted to go out", said Tyquez.

"You ain't speak", said Jordan.

"You seem occupied with being drunk and dancing with some nigga", said Tyquez.

"I was drunk", said Jordan.

"Yea I know", said Tyquez. "But luckily he wasn't a creep because your sister and her friends just left you by yourself"

Jordan didn't say anything for a moment.

"I can't really remember", said Jordan.

" what were you going to say?", asked Tyquez.

"I was going to can't dictate what I do. Do you have an opinion? Yes. But you can't dictate what I do...especially when we are not married", said Jordan.

"Married or not, we are a couple. I listen to you if it's something you don't like and you should do the same. That's how shit works. I didn't care about you going out last night but I ain't like how you just said that shit to me", said Tyquez.

Jordan didn't say anything.

"I know I fucked up and I know that damaged us a little but...we used to be in tune. We used to be united and now I just feel this distance. Like you don't love me anymore... I don't see that same sparkle in your eyes", said Tyquez.

"I think that you feel so guilty that you feel like you deserve to not be loved by me. That's not the case Tyquez. Look...I have a lot going on within that doesn't have anything to do with you. I have skeletons in my closet that I didn't think I needed to get rid of but now I do.", said Jordan. "And if I don't love you anymore or have that same sparkle in my eyes.."

Jordan sat on his lap.

"I wouldn't be trying to make things work", said Jordan. "The sparkle is's just not as bright at the moment but we're working on it. I will do anything to make this relationship just gotta have that confidence to. I can't do it without you"

Tyquez puts his arms around her.

"You're right..I am feel guilty and you're giving me the opportunity to try again...I need to stop holding back", said Tyquez.

"Exactly", said Jordan.

"...wanna close the blinds?", he asked.

Jordan smiled as she got out of him. She went to the windows that are facing the other offices and closed the blinds as Tyquez pulled his pants down.

Although nobody was there, she closed the blinds anyway just in case.

Jordan pulled her heels and panties off and walked to him and got on top.

Tyquez closed his eyes as she did and relaxed his head on the back of the chair.


WILD THOUGHTS : BOOK 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang