Chapter 23

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Jordan walks into the office room that they have at home. Tyquez is sitting at the desk, on the computer.

Jordan walks up to him.

"You've been on the computer all day. What are you up to?", she asked.

"Just looking up some things. You need me?", he asked.

"No...I was just checking on you", said Jordan as she looked at the screen.

Tyquez minimizes one of the windows.

"So, what are you looking up? I only see me, you, Alexis and Marcus on the screen.", said Jordan.

"Because I just minimized the window because you're being nosey", said Tyquez.

"What? Are you watching porn or something?", asked Jordan.

Tuquez chuckled.

"Go on somewhere with all that", said Tyquez.

"I'm just saying", said Jordan

"All I'm saying is why watch a adult films when I can just make one with you", said Tyquez. "You know what...that's something we haven't don't before"

"How about no", said Jordan. "I do not need anybody seeing that"

"Nobody would see it. We would delete it afterward.", said Tyquez.

"Look I know you're a freak and all but I'll be damn if somebody else sees my goodies", said Jordan.

"You mean my goodies", said Tyquez. "Sexy ass"

Tyquez looked her up and down.

"Don't look at me like that na", said Jordan.

Tyquez licked his lips before he looked at the computer.

"Go on now. I'm trying to do something", said Tyquez.

"What are you doing though? I wanna cuddle", said Jordan.

"Nah. You wanna fuck. Because you know damn well that's what cuddling will lead to", said Tyquez.

Tyquez sees Alexis crawl into the room.

"Why'd you leave her unattended?", asked Tyquez as he looks at Jordan.

"She was in the play pin", said Jordan as she walked to Alexis and picks her up.

"Bae she could've went down the steps", said Tyquez.

"Bae, I'm not the only adult in the house. I understand that I should've kept an eye on her but don't if as if I'm the only parent she has. You've been in this room all damn day, doing what? Because it damn sure ain't taking care of your children", said Jordan.

Tyquez maxmizes the window.

"I'm trying to plan a trip for everybody. You, the kids, my mom, your parents, your sister, her husband, and my brother", said Tyquez.

" couldn't just say that?", asked Jordan.

"It was supposed to be a surprise. Well everybody else knows about it because I asked them when they are free", said Tyquez.

"How come everybody else already knows but me?", asked Jordan.

"Because this trip is really for you. To give you a break and enjoy yourself", said Tyquez.

"Baby that is so sweet of you but...the kids will be there so I still won't have a break", said Jordan.

"Everybody will help out when needed. Besides, I don't think they'll be a hassle. Well Marcus won't because he'll be too busy doing fun stuff", said Tyquez. "We'll still be alright"

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