Chapter 30

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Later that night Tyquez met with the person he has to give the money to. The were outside and nobody was around.

"Man, I like coming down here for a little get away and shit but I got other things to handle at home. I came all the way down here because you wanna stall and not fulfill our agreement.", said a guy as he leans against the car.

"I have the money alright? Cash", said Tyquez as he hands the guy a book bag. "It's all there."

The guy tosses the book bag to one of his men.

"It better be", said the guy.

"Rock, I know I was late giving you the money. I was just waiting to get the rest. That's it...I just ask that if I'm late again please don't involve my family.", said Tyquez.

"Maybe if I didn't have to put a little pep in your step, I wouldn't have had to involve anybody. I just know that next time, the guy I send won't be too nice. I only give one chance for people to act right. Be late again, I'll be coming for your ass and it won't be pretty", said Rock.

Tyquez nods.

"You're dismissed", said Rock.

Tyquez got into his car and left.

Once he got back to the hotel room, Jordan walks to him.

"You okay?", she asked.

"I'm fine", he said.

Jordan sighs. "I can't believe you did something so stupid. All because of—"

"My career. All because of my career. Jordan it doesn't matter what you're okay with living like but I'm not okay with living lower than what I've already accomplished. I'm not in the mood to talk about this. The kids are sleeping and I want to sleep to", said Tyquez.

Jordan looks down.

Tyquez talk his shirt off and gets into the bed.

Jordan looks down for a moment then she gets into the bed with Tyquez.

"Money...isn't everything if you don't have anybody to share it with.", said Jordan.

"Jordan I don't—"

"No, no. Let me talk. Tonight I was scared as hell. Don't tell me about what the fuck you gotta do to keep your money, job, career, whatever. What you decided to do to keep that, could've cost me my mental because that nasty as nigga wanted to rape me or even worst my life. So don't sit here and tell me that, it doesn't matter how I don't care about living. Yea. Once upon of time I was broke. I know that. But at the same time I was safe. Hakeem didn't go out on the streets and bring danger into our home because he easily could have", said Jordan. "Tyquez, I love you. I started a family with you. I wanna marry you one day...but I will take my kids of leave if you don't get out of the shit that you're into."

Tyquez didn't say anything.

"And if you continue to be involved with these people, you won't be seeing them either", said Jordan.

"You wanna do that? You bring the kids into this?", asked Tyquez. "I told you earlier that I'm going to fix this. I don't—"

"You damn right I'm going to bring the kids into this because they brought me into this and next it'll be my children!", said Jordan. "Our kids."

Tyquez's back faced her.

"Really? You wanna turn your back on me?", asked Jordan.

"I just don't wanna talk about it anymore. I messed up. I'll fix it. I don't need you bashing me about this", said Tyquez.

Jordan continued to look at him then she got under the covers.

The following morning, Jordan goes downstairs with Alexis to sit on the poolside with Mahogany.

"I'm so glad Tyquez decided to do this. I needed this.", said Mahogany as she soaked in the sun.

"Yea. This was nice of him", said Jordan.

"He's starting to get back on my good side", said Mahogany.

" guys don't need to have a bad relationship", said Jordan.

"...speaking of relationship, how's Quez and his step dad doing? Any better?", asked Mahogany.

"I don't know.", said Jordan.

Mahogany takes her sunglasses off and looks at Jordan.

Jordan is looking around and scanning the area.

Mahogany puts her sunglasses back on.

"How's the married life?", asked Jordan.

"Good", said Mahogany. "He's a really great guy."

"I can tell. I'm happy for you and him", said Jordan.

"Thank you", said Mahogany.

"...tyquez and I talked about the marriage thing again and well... we're going to get married eventually.", said Jordan. "I— you know I thought that I loved Hakeem. I mean I did but that was only because he was the only thing I knew, ya know. But with Tyquez it's just so's like I stayed by Hakeem's side no matter what...but I'd do that and more for Tyquez if I had to. I mean like...I did. I cheated on Hakeem, with Tyquez. I killed because of Quez. I've done things with him that I never thought I'd do ...loving Hakeem felt like a job. It felt like something that I was forced or needed to do. But loving Tyquez is different. Scary yet happy different...maybe that's why I didn't want to marry him the first time. I was scared that I'd be so lost in the love I had for him, that our marriage could be worst than my last if he changes up on me in a blink of an eye because I know I won't leave him."

"...that's deep", said Mahogany.

" as strong as my love is for him...I should marry him", said Jordan.

"Exactly...because that is the kind of love that is needed within a marriage...I just don't want you to be a ...I'm sorry to say this but I don't want you to be a fool to anyone again", said Mahogany. "If you're constantly getting treated wrong, you leave."

Jordan nods.

"...I don't think you will. He has done you good all this time, for the most part, so I think you'll be fine", said Mahogany. "Go for the end just take his money if he fucks up in a divorce baby.

Jordan looks at Alexis as she bounces her gently on her lap.

"Yea, but I don't want his money. That's something that even he isn't realizing", Jordan mumbled to herself before kissing Alexis cheek.

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