Chapter 35

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"Mom, I don't want to talk about it. I just need to get some fresh air", said Jordan. "I know that Alexis is feeling bad right now and I'm her mom and I should be comforting her right now but I- I can't at the moment. I just need your assistance, please. I gave her some medicine and she has calm down but I wanna know if you can take her to the emergency or something. I just wanna make sure that she's just sick and that she doesn't have an infection or something"

"You and Tyquez again?", asked her mom.

"Yea", said Jordan. "And this time I don't know what to think"

Her mom sighs.

"Okay...leave Alexis", said her mom.

"Thank you", said Jordan.

"But before you leave... I know that I've always been big on money but I've always thought about your happiness first...I just wanna make sure you think about that too", said her mom.

"I am... and that's why Tyquez and I are...single. We've had a lot of issues going on", said Jordan. "Feelings that have been hidden and never matter how much I prove myself. He still sees me this certain way and that's my fault...I— I don't know...maybe I this is God punishing me"

"Don't say that", said her mom.

"I cheated on Hakeem with Tyquez for months...I committed adultery. Hakeem had a lot of flaws but I did him soooo wrong", said Jordan. "Now I'm paying for that"

"So...he doesn't trust you?", asked her mom.

Jordan sighs. "I'm not even supposed to be talking about this. I've said to much. Tyquez and I agreed that him and I wouldn't talk about our relationship with other people", said Jordan.

"I guess my question is this something that is fixable or that your wanna fix or is it something that you wanna give up", said her mom.

"'s something that he gave up the minute he believed somebody else over me.", said Jordan.

"Jordan, maybe he believed but in the back of his mind it kept worrying him so he did whatever he—"

"You wouldn't have taken up for Hakeem like this, don't take up for Ty. He's a grown man", said Jordan.

"And you're a grown woman. Look, all I'm saying is y'all have kids now and I get that you're upset with each other but if y'all are going to break up, it doesn't need to come with that back and forth stuff. Y'all are old enough to know what you want or don't want. So instead of you leaving somewhere, you need to go talk to him.", said her mom. "I'm sure you've had some time to cool down and so has he."

"...I'll be back", said Jordan.

Jordan walks out of the room and makes her way back to her room.

Once she walks into the room, she sees Tyquez sitting on the couch.

"I think that instead of me running like you said...we need to talk. But that's only if you try to stay calm", said Jordan.

"...I'm sorry. I was wrong. I um...I forgot I did something before submitting Marcus's and I's DNA", said Tyquez.

"Okay? What?", asked Jordan.

"...I have an ex named Sandra, you met her. She came to the job once", said Tyquez.

"Okay, you got a paternity test for her kid?", asked Jordan.

"Yes. Turns out that she had a baby before she showed up at my job and that's why she wanted to talk over lunch. She didn't push the conversation because she thought that it was a possibility that he wasn't mine and he wasn't. I forgot about that I did it. Marcus's email just came through and I'm the father. Which I had no doubt about until I read the wrong email.", said Tyquez.

"Do you had doubt the minute to took his DNA and got a test behind my back", said Jordan.

Tyquez didn't have a reply because she was right.

Jordan sits down next to Tyquez. "I do my responsibilities as the woman in the house and you do your responsibilities as the man of the house, we've started going to Therapy which I think is going good...or so I thought. I try to keep our sex life interesting...I keep myself up...but...none of that matters when you have no faith in me. None of it matters when you aren't able to look at me and say "she's telling the truth because I know my baby like the back of my hand"...just like when that girl kissed you and lied on you at my cousins wedding...her story was believable but I didn't believe her, I believed you because I trusted you"

"I know..I'm sorry. I promise I do trust you, Jordan. But like you said, first impressions are everything. I just can't forget how we started so in the back of my mind.. I'm going always be cautious with you. You say that im always worried about my career. Yes, because I don't want you to leave me if I go broke. The things that you think I worry too much about is because those things I feel like would prevent you from finding your next", said Tyquez.

"Tyquez, I was broke with Hakeem...I can be broke again...but that doesn't even matter Quez. You can't trust me and now I can't trust you because you went behind my back after you said you weren't going to do it and you did it. I can't detect whether you're telling the truth or lying anymore", said Jordan. "And im not even mad about the Sandra thing because Im sure you would want to be sure that the kid is yours before you discussed things with me....but I can't do this Quez. I think that our journey should come to an end. For real this time."

"I don't want that", said Tyquez.

"But it's going to because I don't feel like we... I don't feel like the strong couple people think we are. We've been together for too long not to be strong. We just fallin' apart..the odds have been against since day one. I'm tired of not listening to the signs. I love you...I love you so much that I'm willing to leave before things get worse.", said Jordan.

Tyquez didn't say anything.

"We can workout coparenting, and I can continue to work for you until you get an assistant...and I'm going to have to stay with you until I get an apartment but...I don't wanna do this anymore. I've stayed in a relationship and waited for man to prove himself once and I'm not doing it again", said Jordan.

"I um...I understand", said Tyquez.

"I'm going to get Alexis from my mom", said Jordan.

"I'll come. I'm going to get Marcus and take to the pool", said Tyquez.

Jordan looks down for a moment then she looks at him. "Okay", she said.

They both left the room.


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