Chapter 13

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"This is just some forms you need to sign so that I can fax off and then we can go", said Jordan.

Tyquez signed his name on the forms and hands them to Jordan.

Jordan looks at them as she walks to the fax machine.

"Why are you staying with me?", asked Tyquez. "I kissed another woman and I embarrassed you...yet your acting okay about it"

Jordan faxes the papers off.

"You're not okay about it", said Tyquez.

"Look, we all make mistakes alright. Just don't make it again", said Jordan. "Let it go"

"..just because you cheated in your last relationship, don't mean you have to forgive me for what I did", said Tyquez.

"So you wanna break up?", asked Jordan.

"No", Tyquez replied.

"So shut up", said Jordan as she finally looked at him.

Tyquez looked to the side.

"I'm giving you a second chance", said Jordan.

"...thank you", said Tyquez.

Jordan walks to him and sits on the edge of his desk. She looked like she wanted to say something.

"What's up?," he asked.

"'re right. Part of me still feels bad for cheating on my ex and that's part of the reason why I am going stay with you and forgive you. I'm not a saint...the other half of me just wants to knock you out, cuss you out and's not my guilt that's staying in this relationship. It's my love for you. If I say that I am willing to give you another chance I mean that. I'm done with being the girl that settles for less, so trust me when I say that the next time you cheat on me. I'm leaving.", said Jordan.

"...yes ma'am" he replied.

"...I know we are going through something and drinking isn't the answer", said Jordan.

"I know what you're thinking and I'm not addicted nor am I going to be", said Tyquez. "Just had a few to many fucking around with Will"

Jordan stood up.

"I'm going to pick the kids up. See you at home", said Jordan.

"I'm just going to finish some stuff up", said Tyquez.

"Okay. See you at home then", said Jordan.

"Okay", said Tyquez.

Jordan bends over and starts to kiss him. Tyquez begins to kiss her back. He didn't give her the same energy because he was taken off guard. He didn't understand why she was kissing him after he hurt her.

Jordan pulls away looked at him.

"What?", asked Jordan.

"Nothing", said Tyquez. "I're making me nervous"

"How am I making you nervous?", asked Jordan.

"I don't know. I just wasn't expecting you to be acting like this", said Tyquez. "Calm, relaxed, kissing's like you about to go do some shit or it's like you already doing some shit"

"...well I'll let you wander what you wander...but now you know how it feels to not know whether someone is keeping a secret or not", said Jordan.

"I don't wanna do this alright. Just stop messing with my head", said Tyquez.

"I'm not doing anything. It's your doing as to why you're having a hundred million thoughts", said Jordan. "I'm just being a forgiving fiancé— oh I'm sorry. I mean girlfriend."

"You wanna joke?", he asked.

"What? I forgot", said Jordan.

" you didn't, but it's cool. I deserve that", said Tyquez as he sat up and started looking on computer.

"...see you later", she said before walking out.


Jordan and Tyquez are still on good terms. She even got over him kissing Natalie because it was just a kiss and she knew that he didn't feel any type of way about Natalie.

Jordan and Mahogany are getting their nails down at the nail shop.

"Why don't you have on your ring?", asked Mahogany.

"...because", said Jordan.

"Why? Jordan please don't tell me you backed out. You really need to get over—"

"This isn't my fault. It's Tyquez's", said Jordan.

"...oh...what did he do?", asked Mahogany.

"...doesn't matter. I'm over it. But I'm not marrying him right now", said Jordan.

"Damn", said Mahogany.

" you think I should get my tubes tied?", asked Jordan.

"That is something you should ask Tyquez", said Mahogany.

"I already know what he's going to say". Said Jordan.

"Exactly", said Mahogany. "You know that boy want him a football team"

"You ain't lying", said Jordan. "I'm not doing that were right. I need to stop trying to please a guy so much that I put my feelings to the side. I don't think I should have another baby. I felt miserable with Alexis"

"Then don't honey. It will not be the end of the world", said Mahogany.

"Yea...I know.", said Jordan. "I'm going to talk to Tyquez about it."

"But if you ask me, I think you should just get on birth control", said Mahogany. "just so you don't have to go through that whole tube tying process."

"...yea. You're right", said Jordan.

After Jordan and Mahogany got their nails done, the began walking to Jordan's car.

"...I know things happen in life. I mean like it's a part of life but... I just hate the fact that when I'm always at my happiest, something happens to make me feel weak or just plain ole unhappy. Makes me not even wanna enjoy the moments that make me happy because I know that I'll be right back to where I started started", said Jordan.

"You can talk to me about anything. You know that", said Mahogany.

"'s just this whole thing with Hakeem, and then Tyquez...and then it turns out that Tyquez really did do something with his assistant", said Jordan.

"What? Oh hell no. See he was my favorite but now he done fucked up", said Mahogany.

"They kissed. I mean like it's not even the kids that I'm more mad about it the way he reacted when I asked me about it. He made me feel bad about asking him the question when he was the one in the wrong", said Jordan.

"Yea...guy will do that", said Mahogany.

"Just didn't think it would be Quez but I guess you don't never really know anybody", said Jordan.

"...I don't wanna be in your business but I don't think that you should let him off as easy. He can't really learn his lesson, if he isn't given a lecture", said Mahogany. "Take what I said how you want and do what you chose to do. Just don't let him get off easy. Don't brush it off...that's how people get taken advantage of"

"...thanks for the advice", said Jordan.

"Anytime", said Mahogany. "Don't do him too bad though"

Mahogany opened the door to the car.

"I won't", said Jordan as she opened the driver door.

They both got into the car.


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