Chapter 31

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After two weeks, I realized that a reality without Sydney in it, sucked gigantic hairy bull balls. Don't google that, trust me. Heidi had tried to help me through it, but I just needed time to process everything. I couldn't just let everything end, not without at least talking to Syd and seeing if she still wanted to try.  There was nothing stopping me from seeing if I at least had a chance. I don't think I'd be able to forgive myself if I didn't reach out to her.

The police had already reported that everyone had been arrested, so everything was in the process of going to court in some way or another. The funniest part was when Cindy's dad tried to claim that the video was a fake, but then the police seized her laptop and found a lot more of the evidence that I had decided not to give the cops. Well, that wasn't on me, her dad shouldn't have tried to play it off as a fake when he obviously had no idea what his daughter was doing.

               That didn't go well.

               When they examined the laptop, they found a lot more than expected. Several years' worth of videos, including some where she was underage with Officer Berry, and even a couple from when I first started complaining to Mr. Leigh, the old guidance counselor who ran the anti-bullying campaign in the school. He'd ignored all my complaints, and then left the school at the end of my sophomore year, so it had never occurred to me to go after him too, but Cindy took care of that for me. As for Dickberry, it just added to his charges.

               As far as I was concerned, all my grievances were being settled. But it still felt empty, because I didn't have Sydney with me. When I was with her, I didn't even care about the girls, they meant nothing to me. Everything was easy, it was happy, and the future was clear. Without her around anymore, I had no idea what I was supposed to do. It wasn't like I didn't have options, but none were as appealing without someone to share them with. And I only wanted to share them with one person.

               I pulled my phone out and pulled up our text conversation. With a deep breath, I started typing.

               Me – Syd, I need to see you. I love you baby, and I can't not be with you if you feel the same. Do I still have a chance? I can't not see you at least once more.

               Syd – I'm on my way!

               I couldn't believe she answered me so fast, let alone that she was coming over. That was a good sign, right?

               But I was surprised when not even five minutes later, Heidi came out to the deck with a visitor. But it wasn't Syd, it was Rose.

               "She says she's here to talk, but if she fucks up, toss her over the cliff," Heidi said, giving Rose a sharp look. Rose had the decency to look scared, as well she should. Heidi would probably do it.

               "Can I help you?" I asked, right off. I wasn't sure what she wanted, but I knew that her mom would be here in twenty minutes or so, and she should be wrapped up by then.

               "I'm sorry, Nai'a," she said in a low voice. "I know that means next to nothing, and I know you can't forgive me, but I needed to at least say that. I have a lot more to say if you can give me the time."

               I nodded at her, noting the tears in her eyes. Maybe seeing what her mother was going through made her realize how much she had hurt everyone. "Go for it."

               "I'm a lesbian too," she started, and making my eyes pop open in shock. "I know that might be a surprise since Cindy and Larissa are such homophobes, but I am. Do you remember having geometry with me, the last year of middle school with that old guy who always made sexist comments?"

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