Chapter 22

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                It had been hard falling asleep after Sydney left. We'd had an amazing day though, which is what I'd wanted. From beginning to end, it was a wonderful first day of little dates.

               We'd spent several hours in the pool, both of us letting eyes wander all over, and there may have been a few times that we had make out sessions with me trapping her against the wall of the pool. I'd worn the new coral colored suit, and I loved the way it looked against my olive colored skin. She had a stunning red one that left my eyes bulging from my head, and I literally whined out loud when I first saw her in it. I saw many poolside naughty times for us in the future!

Later, the couples massage had us both moaning, though not in the way I wanted to, and it got us completely relaxed. We had a wonderful dinner afterwards, fresh fish in a seaside restaurant that gave us a beautiful sunset view over the water. We even took a stroll along the beach afterwards. It was so nice to be able to walk outside with her hand in mine. Sure, if Dr. Cunningham saw us, he might question it, but there was a whole month where we never talked at all, so they couldn't say much. I just ran into her outside of the hospital and asked her out!

               That was our story anyway.

               We'd been able to share a lot more about ourselves too. I knew that she was the baby of the family, with the oldest being a sister named Alex who was 44 and watching the kids. She also had a brother named Bill that lived in Chicago with his family, and they got to see him once a year if they could. Her parents had her late, and her father had passed away about twenty years ago. Her mom had remarried and was living up in Sacramento now but had given her the house to live in since she would have been struggling to find a place to live in with only one income and the two kids.

               She already warned me that her sister would be protective of her, and I was okay with that. Alex's husband had cheated on her and left her with her two kids while running off with a coworker. She'd raised her own children by herself, and they had since graduated college and were out of the house. With her being an empty nester, she spent a lot of time visiting Syd and the kids. I'd have to do my best to prove myself worthy!

               I told her about living life with Heidi, and her various scars and idiosyncrasies. We came up with several theories ranging from a plausible guess of her being ex special forces for England, to a little crazy, in that she could be in the Mafia or something. I'd tried to ask Heidi several times over the years, and I'd always get that cheesy 'I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you' response, so I didn't have a true answer. My aunt probably knew, assuming she did a background check when she hired me, but I spoke to her less than I spoke to my parents and would never reach out for a trivial piece of information. Whatever her background was didn't matter with how great of a mom she'd been to me.

               As for Sydney's kids, we settled on me not learning too much about them, because it would let me have a good conversation with them about their interests when I met them, and I would have good stuff to ask them. All I knew was that her daughter's name was Rose, and her son was Jude. She assured me that her daughter went to La Jolla Academy too, but I still had no idea who she was because I still couldn't think of anyone named Rose. Hopefully she wouldn't be weird about being the same age as the girl her mom was dating!

               "I really don't know anyone named Rose Slater, but I guess she could know me," I told her. "I was never the most popular kid in school, so there are tons of students that I see in class and have no idea who they are. So, I might recognize her when I see her."

               She choked back on a laugh and nodded. "You might at that!" She tugged on my hand until we were walking through the surf, our shoes in hand, and just enjoying the evening. "Were you serious about wanting more kids?"

               "Yeah. I always thought I'd find someone and have a couple. I know you already went through that twice, but if you don't mind dealing with babies again, I'd like to have little ones with you," I told her. I guess I just wanted to make my own family, one filled with love rather than what I had with my parents. I wasn't expecting it to be easy, but I would love those little kiddos.

               "The good part is, I already went through the sperm donor process, so I know what to expect. If you really want to, and we're ready, I'd like more kids too. My parents loved us, and it was great having siblings. You'd be a great mom, but we would have to babyproof the hell out of that house!" We both shuddered at the thought of that unprotected cliff. Yeah, we'd need gates at least! Or mini parachutes!

               Saying goodbye that night had been hard, but I didn't want to keep her away from her kids. She'd already spent last night, and tomorrow we had date number two, which would get her back after dark too. Date three would be an overnight for sure, so I needed to make sure her kids didn't resent me taking too much time away from them with their mom.

               Her goodbye had been delayed by a lot of kisses. We'd had multiple make out sessions throughout the day, each one better than the last. But there never seemed to be enough. We always needed one more kiss, one more hug, one more nuzzled neck, or one more caress. It was almost like we had to drag ourselves away from one another or we'd never stop.

               But we did, and I sent her on her way with swollen lips, a flushed face and chest, and a giant smile. She left me the same way, so I couldn't complain! When her car was out of sight, I just sighed happily and went inside. Heidi was there, having stayed home while I went out, and she just looked at me with a big smile on her face.

               "Damn, one date and you're already whipped!"

               I nodded happily before dropping onto one of the stools at the kitchen island. "I really am. I liked her when we were in the hospital, obviously, but now it's crazy. I pretty much already offered her to move her family in."

               "We might have a full house. I was thinking about asking Emilia to move in too," she admitted.

               "You should! She makes you happy, so spend all the time you can with her!" I told her. "If you think she's the one, then you should absolutely go for it."

               "You wouldn't mind? It's your house after all." I don't think I'd ever heard her sound this nervous.

               "Heidi, you've lived here as long as I have, and in my mind you're like my real mom. This house isn't mine, it's ours. If you want to move Emilia in, then by all means move her in!" I felt bad that she'd ever think that I wouldn't support that. "You never have to ask about stuff like that, okay?"

               She pulled me into a hug and wouldn't let go for a while. "I really wish you were my daughter. You've become an amazing woman."

               Well, that did it. Now we were both crying into each other's shoulders and making ugly crying sounds. If Emilia and Syd saw us now, they might question our sanity. But Heidi was the best person on the planet and had raised me pretty much by herself. "I am your daughter. Everything I know is because of you. You raised me when no one else would."

               "Okay, okay, no more of that! I'll be crying all night if you do that!" she complained.

               "Fine!" I protested. "I'm going for a nighttime swim." I went upstairs, and pulled out the coral bathing suit that was hanging in the shower as it was still damp from this morning, then went back downstairs and jumped in. It was nice and relaxing, letting me think about my girl while I just swam endless laps. I had a good plan for tomorrow. She would spend the day with her kids, and then come over for an early dinner to spend an evening with me. I hoped she liked what I had planned!

               Who doesn't like dinner on a golf course, right? No? Weird?

               Alright, so it was a little bit more than that, but I was thinking outside the box on this plan. I guess we'll find out tomorrow!

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