Chapter 4

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Last night sucked. The nighttime nurse was an older lady who didn't really want to talk, so I was alone for the majority of it. Sydney had been kind enough to get my phone and a charger from my backpack before she went off duty, so I could play some music, but I couldn't do much else since I couldn't see. It really made me want to install some audio books, but I'd need help with that. I finally dropped off to sleep, but I wasn't really tired, so it didn't take long for me to wake right back up. It was so disorienting to not be able to see, because I had no concept of the passage of time. I had no idea if I had hours to wait on Sydney, or just minutes, and I hated it! I must have asked Siri a dozen times what time it was, and i think she was getting pissed at me. Stupid phone bitch. Every time the door to the room opened, I just hoped I'd hear her voice, but it was always a different nurse, which just caused me to sigh and sink back into my pillows.

The worst times were when I had to go to the bathroom, because it wasn't easy doing that by feel at all! I'd paged the nurses a few times to help, but they never came to the room in time for me to go, so I ended up doing it on my own before I burst and wet the bed. Just finding the toilet was an adventure, and then I had to find the sink next. All these little things that I'd done a million times were suddenly much more difficult. I knew I probably was smelly too, having not showered in almost a week. I doubted I could until my head bandages were gone. At a minimum, I could hopefully brush my teeth once Sydney got here.

Finally, though, my wish came true, and Sydney arrived and moved quickly over to grasp my hand. "Good morning Nai'a, how are you doing this morning."

I couldn't contain my emotions when I heard her voice. My body responded without my meaning too, and I let out a soft sob before my mouth just babbled away. "It was a rough night, Syd. I didn't really like it. The nurses sucked and ignored me, I had trouble going to the bathroom alone, and I know I smell, and I really want to brush my teeth because I think I have pepperoni breath, and I was lonely because I couldn't sleep much, and I really missed you."

Before I was done, I felt her body pressing down on mine, pulling me into a hug that made me cry even harder. I really needed that! "I'm so sorry Nai'a! I'll talk to the staff to make sure they're more attentive. It's dangerous for you to go to the bathroom alone, they should have been here to help you. But the rest I think I can help with after the doctor comes in, okay?"

I nodded slowly, wishing I could just keep her here forever, but knowing I couldn't. She had other patients to see, and had to go home to her kids too. I was just acting selfishly. "Thanks Syd. That helps."

"Now I'm Syd, huh?" I heard her whisper into my ear as she let the hug linger.

I felt my face flush as I realized what I'd said. When you have all night to think, sometimes you fantasize and think of the woman who you're looking forward to seeing. I might have dreamed a little about her and me together, and I always referred to her as Syd in my thoughts. Oops. "I'm sorry. Is that too informal?"

She broke the hug, though stayed sitting next to me. "No. But I would ask that you only do that when it's just the two of us. I'm already acting too unprofessionally towards you, and neither of us needs that."

I sighed, knowing she was right. I'd hate for anything to happen to her considering how much better I felt just by having her in the room. "I'll be good," I promised, making her scoff a little. "Okay, I'll be as good as I can be."

"That sounds more realistic!" She stood up and started to bustle about. I couldn't tell exactly what she was doing, but it sounded like she was examining all the various instruments that were attached to me and writing down the values. "Dr. Cunningham should be in shortly. He's going to give you a quick look, and then if he says it's okay, I'll be checking out your eyes today. How does that sound?"

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