Chapter 28

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I didn't mind missing prom. It wasn't like I had friends to hang out with, and I know very well that my three tormentors would have made me miserable the entire time. Well, maybe not if I'd brought Sydney with me, but I still doubt I would have had any fun. Instead, once her daughter went off to the prom, and her sister took Jude for the night, Syd had come to my house where we'd had a much better time dancing to music out near the pool before skinny dipping and making love all night.

I'd take that over a bunch of hormonal teens any day.

So now, with graduation day finally here, I was more than happy to skip that too. They were streaming the event online, but I didn't even care. If I saw the people that I was in the midst of taking down on the TV I might just break the screen. Sydney was there with her son and sister to see Rose graduate, and while I was tempted to see Rose Slater cross the stage to finally see if I recognized her, I didn't see the need. After the ceremony, they were all going out for a family meal, and then her sister was taking Jude for a sleepover, while Rose was going to a graduation party and crashing at her friend's house.

That meant that her house would be empty, and I could spend the night there with her, and then we would have a little get together to meet her kids and sister tomorrow around lunch time. I couldn't wait to spend another night with Syd, but I was terrified to meet her family. I desperately wanted to make a good impression on them, because it was the key to making this relationship work. I knew her kids had to come first, and I had accepted that. If I was in her shoes, I'd think the same thing.

Tomorrow was going to be a big day for a couple of reasons.

Tonight, Heidi would be at the police station with the first flash drive with the video of the attack, and a sampling of the text messages showing that the three girls had both planned it and bragged afterwards. There were also a ton of text messages between Principal Clark and Officer Berry covering things up and commenting on sexual favors as payment. There were even a pair of videos that showed that payment being made by two sweaty adults on the principal's desk. Eww. That meant that tomorrow, assuming the police were on the ball, should see five arrests. Heidi had already made an appointment with one of the detectives who handled hate crimes, since this was all because I was a lesbian, and that would get more traction than the idiots that had interviewed me in the hospital. We also planned to email the text messages and videos of the sex in the principal's to both the school board and Mrs. Clark's husband. If that didn't kick things into gear, then we'd be releasing that video and the attack video to multiple news outlets.

But it was also a day I got to meet Sydney's family. I hoped I could get along with both kids. I also prayed her sister wasn't going to be overprotective. I was betting she would be, and I was a little nervous about how bad it would be. But if all that went well, we'd have to go visit her mom up in Sacramento too. I was a little less worried about that, since she already told me that her mom just wanted her to be happy, so I wouldn't be grilled too bad.

I ate a light chicken caesar salad for dinner, so I wasn't feeling stuffed when I got there, and then realized that was a big mistake when I had major garlic breath after I was done. I took two gargles with mouthwash and then spent three times brushing my teeth before I was finally clean enough for excellent smooches, though I was mentally kicking myself for not having thought about my dinner choice beforehand. Just for good measure, I popped two breath mints into my mouth as I drove over to Sydney's house. Trying to be polite, I parked out on the street to make sure I didn't block anyone in the garage, and then took my overnight bag with me to the front door.

Yes, we were supposed to be alone tonight, so I brought a few accessories in the bag!

I didn't even have a chance to ring the doorbell, Sydney opened it, peeking her head around the door, as I was walking up the front door. I guess she was looking out the window and was as eager as I was! When I got through the door, I saw exactly what she was wearing, and realized I was wrong. She was even more eager than I was!

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