Chapter 21

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                "Holy crap!" Was the general response every time I showed another room to Sydney. "How many bedrooms are there?"

               "Five. Plenty of room if some more people wanted to move in." I didn't look at her as I said that, but she knew what I was suggesting. At the same time, no matter what we were feeling, we hadn't even been on our first date yet. And if the dates went well, Syd couldn't move too fast with a pair of kids to worry about. "Not that I'm expecting that right away, but maybe in the future."

               "We'll see," she agreed. "You haven't even graduated high school. We still have to date, and you need to meet the kids."

               "And your sister!" I added. I wanted her family to like me!

               "Right! So, what are the plans for the day?" she wondered.

               I took her hand and led her down to the kitchen. "I was thinking of a light breakfast, then I'm going to pamper you a bit. After that we can get a nice lunch, then hit the beach until dinner with a sunset view."

               "That's a lot for one day!" she exclaimed.

               "Well, I didn't expect to have you for the whole day. I thought I'd do the pampering and dinner originally, but now I added a few more things," I explained.

               "Nai'a, I just want to spend time with you. What was your original plan? We can go with that and just hang out here in the meantime. The decks on this house are perfect for snuggling, and I'd love to kick your ass playing pool," she told me. "I really appreciate the effort, but you're all I need right now. I don't need you to spoil me with anything other than your time and affection."

               I knew exactly what she meant, and I appreciated the sentiment. I'd been so worried about keeping her entertained, it never dawned on me that we'd had a wonderful time just being together in the hospital with no activities at all. You know, other than sponge baths. So, I could easily keep the current spa appointment for the afternoon, and just spend time here in the pool and cuddling. That sounds horrible, I know!

               "I have a lot of that to give! Did you bring a bathing suit?"

               "Does it matter?" she asked with a smirk. "Are you saying I can't skinny dip here?"

               "Not until the third date!" I pointed out. "We're supposed to be behaving."

               "Ha! Well then, it's lucky I brought a few things with me. Yes, I have a bathing suit."

               I stepped forward, taking her in my arms and trapping her against the kitchen counter while bending down for a soft kiss. I kept her in my arms for a few minutes, her hands tangling in my hair as we were both moaning into the kiss now. I finally had to pull away, leaving my forehead resting on Syd's. "I can't believe I can kiss you now," I murmured. "That everything is real."

               "Believe it. No more waiting. You can kiss me whenever you like, and I can kiss you too. That is how this whole dating thing works!"

               "Well, then let's have a little breakfast date, and we'll hang out poolside for the morning. After lunch we do have an appointment though."

               "That sounds like a great day to me!"

I started coffee brewing and then pulled out a mix of strawberries and blueberries. Once they were in a bowl, I cut up a cantaloupe before tossing the the pieces together in a bowl with the berries. Scooping the mixture into a pair of bowls, I handed one to Sydney while I poured the coffee. I brought her out to the pool deck, which was the largest of the decks. It had a large covered outdoor kitchen with a grill, while the second floor deck had the outdoor bar.

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