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After Bradley had jumped off into the dewy grass and stood up he came face to face with Sarah through the window. Unfortunately the window was open so Sarah could speak to him and he couldn't awkwardly leave right away.

"Just don't play with her feelings. Don't break her heart or I will come after you Bradshaw."

"Yes ma'am" he uttered out shocked and speechless.

Sarah's face turned into a soft smile then and started speaking, "I enjoy seeings her this happy with you, I'd like to keep it that way. Now get going." She waved him off signaling for him to get out of her yard.

"I will." Just as he started to walk away he heard Ana running down the stairs and he started to move faster. Bradley made his way to the front yard and down to his car that was parked on the street.

Bradley started up his Bronco once he got inside and unlocked the doors waiting for Ana to meet him. The tiredness of all the early mornings caught up to him and he slowly stared to doze off head dropping down, it sort of looked like he was dead.

Ana walked out the front door after saying goodbye to Sarah, she still had no clue Sarah had caught him. She made her way down the driveway until the end where she found his car and Bradley sleeping in the drivers seat.

Walking up to the car Ana was smiling and couldn't wait to bang on his windows jolting him awake. She made her way to his window and looked at him for a second, "awe he looks so peaceful." Seconds later she knocked hard and he bolted awake flaying his arms, once he realized it was only Ana he put his hands  to his face and muttered, "holy sh*t"

Ana stood outside the car laughing hysterically so much she fell to the ground into a fit of breathless giggles. Clearly not amused Bradley rolled down his window and looked down at her laughing on the ground trying to catch her breath but every time she would she would just erupt into laughter again.

"It's not that funny." He tried to contain his laughter. It was always easy for him to laugh when she was laughing.

"Yes!" She started uncontrollably laughing again, "yes it is!"

"Come on we got to go!" He was trying his best to hold in his laughs but it wasn't working so he just tried to convince her to get in the car.

"Okay okay." She started to get up but sat down again in laughter, "but your face when it got all scared, it was so funny." She kept laughing until she finally got it all out of her system and got up and walked to the passenger car door occasionally making eye contact with Bradley through the windshield and she would start to snicker.

Finally Ana was all seated and buckled into the car and Bradley put the car into drive. "So now that your giggle  fit is over why do you think Cyclone wanted to meet you with you?"

"No f*cking clue." He gave her a look like she was lying. He thought honestly she had done something like a prank or just joked around with the wrong people. "Seriously! I didn't do anything. At least not that I can remember." She looked off rethinking all that she had done up until that point.

Bradley did a little scoff slash laugh after she finished her sentence. "I swear I didn't do anything. I have no idea why I'm being called in early. Maybe I'm just that good that they are already assigning me mission leader," she smirked.

"Or maybe your just so bad they are kicking you off the mission." He grinned looking over at her taking his eyes off the road for a second.

"If people were getting taken off the mission for their sucky flying you should've gotten a message too this morning for a meeting."

Bradley did a dramatic gasp, "rude."

"Maybe they are calling me in to talk about something that has to do with my dad at all?" Her voice had changed into a more depressed tone. All this time she had been pushing her actually feelings about Ice's death this morning. If she could she would be crying all day long. In truth Ana felt terrible for how happy she was feeling with Bradley this past day. Shouldn't she be grieving? Like so sad you can barley get out of bed, get up to eat or even shower?

"That could be true. Stupid question but how are you doing with everything? I haven't really gotten the chance to ask you that, we got too caught up."

"It sucks." There it was again, the burning in her throat telling her she was holding back tears. She took a deep breath in and out, "but I have to move on, he would want me to go on the mission. And that's what I'm going to do."

"You don't have to put up a strong front An's. And you don't have to move on from his death right away. I'm not still over my dad and I know your still not over your biological dad's death. It's normal to feel how your feeling right now."

"I know. I just really want to get done with this stupid mission, then I'll actually get time to process all of this sh*t. Trust me, I have barley processed it and I will once we get home."

"And I'll be there to talk with you." He reached out his right hand to interlock it with Ana's hand. Ana saw right away his hand coming to hold hers and she already had it waiting for him by the time his hand reached hers.

"Thanks, I don't know what I'd do without you."

Not needing to say anything Bradley looked over at her making eye contact with her and told her everything he needed to. Translation, no need to thank me, I'll always be there for you no matter what. And I don't know what I'd do without you either.

Soon they arrived at base, it was a quiet peaceful drive after their conversation had ended. Being in each other's presence was enough for the both of them, they didn't need to talk.

"Alright, I'll be back." Ana unbuckled her seat belt and started to open the door.

"Good luck" he smiled at her reassuringly.

She thanked him then got out of the car, closed the door and started to make her way inside. Deep inside Ana was nervous for this meeting not knowing at all what to expect. They had practically said nothing in the email, just to meet when and where. Ana rounded the last corner and there was Maverick standing right outside the door she was supposed to go through to the meeting.

"What are you doing here?" Ana asked disgustedly walking up to Mav.

Maverick stood up straighter once he saw her, "was called for meeting at," he looked down at his watch, "8 o'clock, in three minutes. Why are you here this early?"

Ana stood there confused and answered Mavericks question, "here for a meeting as well"

"Ah" was all Maverick could muster up. Then is was officially awkward them standing there and not talking, just waiting and hoping Cyclone would open the door.

A couple of weird minutes later Cyclone opened the door, "Captain Mitchell, Lieutenant Howard-Kazansky," yet another stab to the chest for Ana. Hearing her last name, his last name, "please come inside."

Why was she having a meeting with Maverick? What did she have to do with Maverick being there? Not asking questions Ana did a little nod out of respect and walked through the open door standing in front of Cyclones desk. Warlock was also in the room but sitting off to the side in the chair.

Maverick walked in and took his place standing right next to Ana side by side then Cyclone made his way behind his desk and sat down.

"I can only imagine what you two are feeling right now. Especially you Rogue. My condolences."

"Thank you sir." Now Ana still had no clue what he was going to talk about with them but she thought it could be about Ice. Maybe they would put up a memorial? Do something extra for him? Little did she know they would not be doing that at all.

Around ten minutes later Ana walked outside the front doors of the base and walked into the parking lot with her arms folding and wearing a sour face. Bradley had just been sitting on his phone waiting for her to walk out, he noticed her when she was just a couple feet away from the car. Almost instantly he sensed that something was wrong.

Ana got into the car not saying anything, just the look of disappointment covered her face. "What happened in there Ana?" He asked her while setting his phone down giving her all his attention.

"Can we just go to breakfast first? I need to process what happened in there."

"Of course, those pancakes are calling my name." He tried not to pry anymore. She would tell him when she got her own thoughts together, so he respected that and put the car in reverse and pulled out of the parking lot back onto the main road.

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