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May 8th, 2019
(around a year and a half year later after crash)

"What's wrong?" Bradley asked Ana who wore a confused face while they were relaxing on the couch. She was sat up straight supporting her body with her hands on the couch staring off somewhere random in their house. They had just moved in one month ago because Bradley's apartment had started to get too small for the both of them.

Before giving an answer she contemplated what she was going to say. She didn't want to alarm him, "I'm fine, it's just my back, it hurts."

He did not expect her to say that, immediately his mind went to the worse that she had somehow re-injured her back, "do I need to call the doctor or an ambulance? Do you think you re-injured your back today?" He asked panically standing up already grabbing his phone.

"No, it's fine. It's just. Sore." It was so alarming because recently Ana had been doing really good, she was even running. All the bone was healed she just needed to gain all her mobility back. Ana looked at him with assuring eyes, "Trust me. I'm fine. Just get me my icepack? The big one for my back?"

Listening to her, he got up off the couch right away going into the kitchen. Reaching into the freezer he said, "okay. But I am calling your doctor in the morning to make sure everything is fine."

Getting back onto the couch right beside her he laid it down her whole back. "F*ck that's cold! Why can't ice packs be warm?"

Bradley rolled his eyes smiling, "well then it wouldn't really do it's job."

"Yeah I know, but I really want a warm ice pack." She complained gently laying down.

Smoothly he helped her lay down in a more comfortable position which was her head on his thigh and laying on her stomach so the ice would stay easier on her back. "Well, I will get you that warm icepack as soon as they come out." He held the icepack to her back as he played with her hair.


In the morning Bradley had called her doctor telling her what was going on and she told him to have Ana come in immediately to make sure there was nothing wrong. Stubbornly Ana refused to let Bradley take off of work in the morning. He was already close to running late and she didn't want him to miss any work when he had just been promoted to Captain.

"Since Mav's available at least let him take you. Something's probably not wrong, but in case there is I want someone there with you." He pulled his wife beater tank top over his head and smoothed it out.

Not wanting to fight about the matter she decided to agree to the compromise, "Okay, I can call and ask-"

"He's already on his way, I called him right after I called your doctor." Ana looked him up and down as he pulled on his flight suit with a scowl, "just promise to call if anything is wrong. Right away."

She looked at him like he was stupid, "of course I will. Right away." She gave a nod of reinsurance, "you'll be the first one not in the room to find out."

"I better be." He walked over to her in their bedroom with his flight suit unzipped. "I'll see you hopefully after work, hoping everything goes well."

Gently she reached out and started to zip up his suit for him as he watched, "me too."

"I love you."

"I love you too." He leaned down and softly kissed her petite lips for a goodbye kiss. Slowly he pulled away, "Maverick should be here soon, I'll see you hopefully not soon. And if you change your mind and need me there, I will be there."

Her smile faded a bit being uncertain of the outcome of the appointment, "hopefully not see you soon too. And I will call if I need you, I promise."

Soon after he left Mav came walking through the door ready to wheel Ana off to the hospital. They walked through the doors checked in them tried to make themselves comfortable in the hospital chairs.

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