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Everyone filed into the room and took their seats waiting for Maverick to come in and announce who got the positions. It was dead silent in the room, everyone's heart rate was skyrocketing and sweat was dripping down their faces from the heat, nerves and anticipation.

Once Maverick, Cyclone and Warlock walked into the room everyone stood up putting their arms behind their back. Ana felt like she was about to faint from all the nerves, she could barley keep her head straight.

Then Maverick started to speak with nervousness present in his tone, "it's been an honor flying with you." He took a pause looking at everyone around the room but making straight eye contact with Bradley and Ana. "Each one of you represents the best of the best."

Ana felt like there should've been suspense music playing. He was taking his goddamn time. "This is a very specific mission. My choice is a reflection of that and nothing more." He made direct eye contact with Ana. Immediately her thoughts went to he actually didn't pick her and she was a fool for him letting her believe that she was chosen. "Choose your two foxtrot teams." Cyclone told him rather demandingly.

Maverick looked back up in the small crowd, "Payback and Fanboy." He turned his head towards another pair now, "Phoenix and Bob." Each pair shared excited but nervous looks between each other and then put their head back down probably trying to wrap their minds around that they were going. "And your wingman" god this was it. Bradley and Ana shared a look between each other knowing that one of them wouldn't be going with the other. They would most likely be leaving each other.

Ana could tell without looking up at Maverick that he was looking between the pair of them. "Rooster" Her heart dropped for a second. She was happy and proud of him but upset that she couldn't be out there with him. There was nothing that she would be able to do if things went haywire out there. But then Mav started speaking again, "And Rogue. For backup." Ana lifted her head back up and looked at Mav confused. He just have a little head nod saying she would be briefed on what her title entailed. Currently she assumed that she would be flying with them and she was there incase enemy planes interrupt their plans.

"The rest of you will stay on the carrier for any reserve role that is required. Dismissed. " Warlock concluded. Everyone become less stiff and went the shake the hands of the people who were chosen for the mission. Saying their last farewell before they might never see each other again.

Before being sent out they met below the deck to have one last informational meeting. This allowed the chance for everyone to sit close to another taking in the last time they would all be together for sure. Ana and Bradley subtlety held hands while listening. They went over everything they had covered but they explained Ana's role. She would be in the last of the line going through the terrain with them but would be in charge to take out bogeys if it was necessary. So if they were close and put the team in danger of achieving their goal she would strike.

Everything went by in a blur, everyone got dressed into their official flight suits, said goodbyes to everyone, Ana texted Sarah one last message. The last time she had seen her was two days ago when she had free time to visit her. Hangman stopped her and Bradley in the hallway telling them, "give 'em hell.", Ana gave him a hug and Bradley gave a head nod of thanks.

In a blink of an eye she was up on the deck helmet in hand standing in front of Bradley ready to say goodbye. The two interlocked in the biggest bear hug ever, taking in every last detail of each other, the way their bodies felt against each other, how they felt with each other feelings wise, how each other smelled, their heartbeat and every small little detail you could think of. They separated and looked into each others green and hazel eyes trying to say everything they needed to say without actually having to say anything at all. Not wanting to kiss in front of everyone Ana just did puckered up her lips quickly like she was giving someone a kiss on a cheek that wasn't there. Bradley smiled and did the same thing back and finally they had to separate going to their planes.

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