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Part 3- Early Morning Conversations

After a long night of drinking and talking Ana had been very very tired. She and her friends had stayed out till in the morning, but around 2am she made her way back to her apartment to get one final sleep before the training for the mission started. But she couldn't fall asleep without leaving a drunk voice message text for Rooster to wake up to the next morning.

"Rooster you'll never believe this," she took a deep breath in "but I met Harry Potter at the bar tonight, you know the orphan boy just like you, but he flys broomsticks?" she chuckled clearly amused by herself, "He had the whole scar on his forehead and everything. He could even do some magic! He said a weird spell and I looked at my drink and it was full again! Ha" she laughed sounding drunk. "We'll I'm going to bed Nighty night don't let the bed bugs bite bird man." Ana whispered into her phone in a funny tone as she ended the message.

After she had recorded this message she crashed right into her soft bed with a green comforter and fell straight to sleep. She was going to need it for tomorrow.

At 6am a faint ringing filled Ana's small bedroom. The ringing was coming from her phone that was laying just beside her yet again not plugged in.

Ana woke up from the noise and noticed that she was still dressed in the clothes she had put on last night. She had no clear memory what happened at the bar after the heavy drinks she drank. Her hair stuck to her face, she was in such a deep sleep she was drooling.

"Shut upppp" the woman groaned into her bed just wanting to be left alone and sleep forever.

But her attempts on trying to control the ringing on her phone failed. The ringing would stop and then start up again two seconds later.

"Fine you win. This better be important" she threatened the phone.

As she lifted of the phone she saw the contact that was causing the ringing: 'Brad 🐦❤️'.

Once Ana saw who was calling a smile appeared on her lips. An early morning call from Bradley. She loved to call him and talk but she was not in the mood. But she decided to answer.

She answered the FaceTime call while trying to keep her eyes open and trying not to move a lot which when she did would cause a big headache to explode.

"What do you want?" she angrily groaned.

"Nice drunk voice message from last night An" he let out a tired laugh. He was shirtless laying in his bed. God he was cute. Wait a drunk message? Oh no, not again.

"This is what you woke me up for a$$hat? To tell me I sent a drunk message?" she was even more angry now, "but what did I say" Ana asked curiously.

"Wow that name is gonna stick. This message has to be the best one yet! I didn't call you just from the drunk text. I knew you would miss getting to the base if I didn't call to annoy you to get up. But I bet you already have everything packed, just got wanted to make sure" he really knew her well.

Her heart felt like it was glowing. She loved how he knew her so well. They could finish each others thoughts.

"Just listen to the drunk text and see for yourself what you did." He laughed.

"Awe thanks Roos for carrying about me. But I need my beauty sleep, I'm going to hit snooze on my alarm that just went off," a faint ringing echoed from her phone, "I'll call you when I can actually comprehend what your saying." With that she hung up the phone and immediately fell back asleep...without setting snooze to her alarm and just turned it off.

Rooster sighed, she wasn't snoozing her alarm. He would have to call her again. He didn't mind, he just really wanted to see the reaction of Ana when she listened to her voice message. He loved watching her react, she could be pretty dramatic at times, so it was always fun to see her reactions.  She always had the best smile too. No matter what situation her glowing smiles always seemed to brighten up his days.

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