Whats Going To Happen

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Ails P.O.V

I ran home i ran through the door I didn't see my mom so I ran straight to my room.I stood there motionless i had no thought running through my head i was just standing there staring at my wall and i was thinking what am i going to do I was so mad that he didn't even stop over to say bye or anything.I wonder how easy it was for him to just get up and leave.I laid in bed and stared at my ceiling.I feel asleep.

Joshs P.O.V

I was waiting for my phone to buzz or ring but nothing happened i thought she would text me or call me back or give me some sign that she knew i was gone.I sat there and i felt bad i just had nothing to say.I looked at Niall who was sitting across from me he shook his head at me and i knew he hated what i had done to her he isn't wrong though cause i hate what i did to her too. I was just so scared that she was going to start dating that Jessie kid and leave me in the mist. When the plane landed Liam woke me up and Niall was on the phone and i heard her voice i ran up to him begging to let me to speak to Ail but he pushed me away. He got off the phone and i asked him why he did that. Shes a mess right now crying and you really think she wants to talk to the boy that left her to fly to a diffident country i don't think so. I rushed off the plane and into the van when we got to the hotel i ran right up to the room threw my shit on the floor and ran back down stairs to take a walk i was just so pissed at myself and the shit i put myself in.But mostly i hate that Niall was her cousin cause now everything i do Niall will have a problem with it.

Ails P.O.V

I woke up and i knew i had a long day ahead of me, my eyes were puffy and i felt sick. I threw on some sweats and a t-shirt i got to school i didn't even stop at my locker i just walked to class sat down and looked straight ahead. I didn't talk to anyone or anything. At lunch i threw up and my teacher sent me to the nurse. The nurse looked at me and said well your not sick but you look sick whats wrong. I just shook my head and said nothing and walked out. I went to the bathroom and sat down on the bathroom floor and started crying. A girl came in and i tried to make it look like i wasn't crying and she asked me if i was alright, I knew her not that well tho. when she asked me if i was alright i just started crying even more.She looked at me and said stay her. A couple mins later there was a knock on the girls bathroom door i didn't move i sat on the floor with my head in my hands I heard foot steps walking towards and someone sat down next to me and hugged me and rubbed my back. The voice that belonged to Jessie said its alright don't worry. I felt safe I felt loved there. I clung on to him and didn't let him go. We sat there until a teacher spotted us in there together. We got sent to the office to talk to the Principal. I sat down in the principals office still not talking Jessie sat next to me. Mr.Paul our Principal asked us what we were doing in there. I put my head in my hands and Jessie told him that i was crying in the bathroom and some girl got Jessie and he came running to me to make sure i was okay. Mr.Paul didn't believe us so he called are parents and we got suspend for a week. My mom came and picked me up when school was over we both sat in the car not talking, i knew she was mad. We got home and she tried asking me questions about what happened but i stayed quiet she told me she was leaving tomorrow for her workshop over in Ireland and I nodded and went to my room and watched movies till i fell asleep.

Joshs P.O.V

I got back to the hotel from my walk and went to my room i was sharing a room with sandy who plays guitar.I kept looking at my phone i knew over there it would be about 1am because over here it was 8pm.I grabbed my phone and gave her a rang seeing if she would answer.She did I said hello babe, She asked who it was so i told her and then her end went silent and all i heard was crying and then she hung up.I knew i had to go back for her. I started to pack my bad the lads dropped me off at the airport and by 10 I was on a plane to England so that mean i would arrive in England at 8am in the morning. I got a taxi to her house i knocked and knocked on the door. Jessie opened the door and i took a step back.I yelled for Ail and Jessie yelled at me to leave.She came to the door and she looked at me and i pushed my way through Jessie and ran to her and just hugged her she started to cry and so did i a little too. I told her i was sorry and i would never do that to her again as i kissed her. She forgave me as i watched Jessie look at us and walk out. We hugged for a while and i told her i hated myself for what i did to her.She told me she got suspend from school and i was very disappointed at her but she is 14 what can i except. I stayed at her house that night i didn't want to leave her and her brother and mother was gone so it was fine. When we both woke up I told her i had to go back by tonight and she was upset but i wanted her to come so bad i made some phone calls and i told her she could come on tour with me.She asked me about school? I told her I would hire a teacher to travel with us so she can learn everything she needs to learn. She called her mom and told her mom everything but she didn't tell her that me and her dating she said the Niall wants her to come and her mum said yes she could go. She packed her bags which were a lot closed her door room and we headed off to the airport she hid herself in a sweater and sunglasses so the paparazzi wouldnt find out who the girl was with me.We made it onto the plane safely and there werent many paparazzi there so we made out fine we were both excited for our new adventure.

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