Meeting for the second time!

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(Hey guys so right now it's 12:00pm and I'm bored so I decided to write more yayaya)

Ail woke up to the smell of pancakes and she new her mother was on a baking kick she got up and did her hair she had short hair with one side of it shaved and it was purple so she combed her hand through it to make it look neat she went into her closet and threw on acid washed skinny jeans a pink tank top with a half cut shirt on that said dream and she put on a pink beanie and black converse and ran down stairs by the time she was done it was already 11:00)

Ails phones buzzed it was josh hey wanna go to lunch at nandos ill pick you up. Yea sure sounds great this is my address I'm ready when you are ail replied. I'm already ready so on my way be there in 10 josh said. Ail was sitting in the living room when her mom came in and asked her where she's going Ail-I'm going over kaleys her brother is coming to pick me up

because she really needs me right now. Alright darlin be safe when you get home and I'm ready in bed don't bother me. Alright mom will do well he's here by mom. Bye ails mom said while ail ran out the house into the car.

Hey you look really good Josh said. Hahah thanks I try my best Ail joked. So we're going to nandos where do you want to go after josh said.Anywhere I don't care I'm down with anything ail said. So is this like a date josh asked. Well if you want it to be it can ail said. Yeah I do I want it to be a date. Awesome I guess Ail replied.

When they got to nandos it was very crowded so they got it to go and went back to Josh's flat.

Ail-Nice flat. Josh-Thanks I'm never in it so I never mess it up which is always a plus. Ail-never in it? Josh-Oh yeah sorry I'm in a band I play the drums hint hint he points to the drum set behind then. Ail-Hahahah omg that's awesome. Josh-So tell me about yourself. Ail-well my dad owns a circus so he's always gone my mom is a teacher and whenever she is home she sleeps and all my sisters are off on there own and my brother is clown but is off tour right now so he's at home but he leaves next week so it's just me by my self most of the time which is nice how about you. Josh-Well I go on tour a lot with my band but right now they are doing some recording so I'm home for a month and then I'm off to NYC yeah I don't talk to my parents that much but my dad is a chef and my mom is a stay at home mom and I have a brother named Ben and who the hell knows what he's doing. Ail- hahah sounds like fun but you do know how old I am right? Josh-Well I'm 21. Ail-I'm 14. Josh 8 years age

Difference that's okay. Ail- You can just say it you just want to be friends cause I'm to young. Josh-No age is just a number I really like you. Ail-I like you to. Josh-your going to be bad for me I can already tell while josh leans in for a kiss Ail kisses him back when there lips separate josh feels something special. Josh-well it's getting late I should bring you back. Ail-Sure my moms going to be asleep already hahahaha

They get in the car and josh drives to Ails house.

Ail-Well thanks for bring me home.

Josh-No problem will I be able to see you tomorrow.

Ail-Well I have school tomorrow but you can pick me up and we can hang after school if that's cool.

Josh-That's great ill be waiting outside your school for you @3.

Ail-Alright night.

-Josh leans in for a kiss and Ail gives it to him they kiss a short and cute but meaningful one then Ail gets out the car and says bye biting her lip and runs inside to he room jumps into her bed and falls asleep.-

(Hope you guys liked it sorry it was boring I'm learning to make it better)

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