Chapter 13

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Rosie's Pov

"This is lovely". I say to myself as I admire every attraction at the carnival.

"Just wait until sunset." James responds as he flashes those dimples at me, and I blush not realizing I had actually spoken out loud.

"Come on Rosie," he presumes with his hand out "Let me show you around."

And before I know it my hand shoots out, intertwining my fingers with his.

For hours we jump from ride to ride and game to game.

He even won the biggest stuffed animal that they had, and I ended up naming her fluffy.

Of course James didn't let me live that down, but the name ultimately grows on him.

He was sweet that way.

He could tease me forever but he never meant it in a hurtful way. Its like he made fun of me because he actually really liked those things about me, but I still can't one hundred percent read him.


"Why?" I plead. "I've been asking all day I know you're scared James." I say as I playfully try to tickle him.

"No.." He starts, grabbing my hands to stop the tickling.

"I'm just...waiting." He says suspiciously, and before I can question him he demands. "Now eat."

And for some reason I sit back in my seat and continue with the food in front of me.

"Just so you know I'm doing this because I'm hungry, not because you said so."

I say and he chuckles playfully.

"Even when your laugh is subtle your dimples show." I say without thought.

"Even when you aren't smiling your eyes gleem." He shoots back, and my heart sinks.

For a moment I'm caught off guard, finding myself completely lost in those precious eyes.

I scan his features for the millionth time, and its as if he just gets more beautiful.

I never noticed just how handsome this boy is. I remember seeing him for the first time and thinking wow. But his face never gets old or boring to look at. He is perfect.

"Ready?" He snaps me out of my trance for possibly the third time today.

"For what?" I ask completely forgetting my whereabouts at the moment.

"The ferris wheel." He replies and my face lights up.

"You aren't scared anymore?!" I ask teasingly.

"Haha." He says drily, and once again extends his hand out for me to hold.

I follow suit as we make our way to the line.

Just as we arrive, the ride technician turns on the lights, and the entire carnival is lit up like Christmas day.

"Sunset." I murmur under my breath.

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