Chapter 5

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James' POV

After waiting not-so-patiently for the next forty five minutes, I was finally called up to the front desk and handed my schedule.

The counselor working up front, who I've come to learn is "Ms.H", slid my schedule across the desk, and let me know that if I needed help figuring out where my classes were, I could either come back or ask a class mate.

Being the antisocial guy that I am, neither of those options appealed to me.

I just nodded in "agreement" and headed toward room one sixty three with only five minutes of home room to spare.

Surprisingly, I made it in enough time.

I brace myself, expecting everyone to turn their eyes toward my abrupt entry, but as I open the door and walk inside of the small classroom, I'm slightly thrown off by kids sitting on their desks, throwing papers across the classroom, and even a couple making out in the back.

Everyone is talking amongst themselves, which is perfect for me because all I had to do was find a seat and quietly wait for my next class to start.

As I fully entered the room, I have to step over scattered pieces of crumbled up schedules, gum rappers and a hair brush before I can actually get to a seat.

Sitting down, I put my backpack in front of me and try to ignore my craving for a juicy double patty burger with a large fry and a cherry cola.

Man was I hungry. "When the heck is lunch?" I say, unintentionally speaking my inside thought out loud.

"It's right after our fourth class man." Some guy sitting to the right of me replies.

I look over at him and give a shy nod.

"Thanks." I reply in a calm voice.

I wasn't shy, or nervous really.

I'm simply just an introvert.

I wasn't used to talking to people in this town, the only friends I've made were the guys on my baseball team back in Cali, and even then I never really talked to them.

"That's a cool jacket!" I hear him say as he reaches over to take a closer look.

I look over at him as he admires the details on my coat, when I notice he had been wearing one too, except the colors and patches were completely different. "Yeah right, look at yours!".

Not too many things make me want to hold a conversation, but man, I could talk about baseball for hours-nope, days- on end.

I studied him a little more & noticed how cool this guy was.

He had dark brown skin and pearly-white teeth, with deep dimples on both sides of his face that appeared as he grew more excited noticing something else about my jacket that he had missed before.

He had slightly bushy eyebrows and a pointed nose, with hair that resembled a pompadour, but the top was a tad different.

It was wavy on top, and nicely kept up on the sides and back.

"There's no way a bad jacket like this could be anywhere from here." He said, with his eyes never leaving the coat. "Where are you from man?"

As soon as I was going to respond, the bell  rung, letting students know that it was time to haul-ass to our second class of the day.

"Listen man, I'm captain of this school's baseball team. The fellas and I are gonna sit together at lunch, I'll wait for you at the end of the lunch line so you have some buddies to chow down with. Plus, the guys'll flip their lid over that jacket... In a good way I mean." He said with a grin as he stood up and grabbed all of his belongings. "Does that sound cool?"

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