Chapter 25: A familiar Face

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🖤Ch 25 (song/노래): Summerland By Half Alive 🤍

(A/n: oh my gosh! Today is performance day for me. We're doing hamlet! Anyways, so why didn't anyone tell me to priorly isn't a synonym for before it's prior to! Enjoy!)

Y/n's POV

Few Days Later...

Saturday 토요일 (toyoil)— - -
Come on, Y/n!

The water's nice!

A voice in the distance asks for my presence. My body yearns to be submerge in that pleasant, crystal-clear water where all of my friends and family members are splashing around, spraying each other with water guns.

Nonetheless, I'm over here by a black, Chevrolet, pickup truck. Nibbling at the corner of my thumbnail, endeavoring to restrict myself from rushing over there to enjoy their exuberant and happiness.

My hands gradually begins to close on itself soon enough it transform my loosely, reposed fingers into more aggravated and alarmed fists, already to cock back and effortlessly serve someone a nasty right hook.

I want to go in the water with all of my friends and family however...My brain's telling me to stop, don't go, don't be tempted by the deception. Why am I having this gut feeling, this instinct saying to run the opposite direction?

What's wrong?

Don't you want to come over?

Hey, little tulip, your siblings are fighting again, come help me out.

Ughh, of course, they are. My body by instincts commence on taking my arms off of the pickup truck. Feet moving over to the violent crime scene, they are, indeed, fighting. One of them have got the other in a chock hold.

I roll my eyes by their actions, moving over to the two goofballs. I suddenly halt all of my movements since this sort of violence is profoundly sinister than usual.

The person chock holding the other one had grabbed onto the back of their neck, twisting their arm as the doer lifted the appendage up in the air.

Immediately, the doer submerges their victim underneath the water, noticing how their person they held is now squirming around, attempting to replenish their low oxygen in their figure. The water merely splashes viciously around the two.

Furrowing my eyebrows downwards by the scene simply generates this unsettling feeling inside the pit of my stomach. Telling me to not get involved, don't interact, this time I don't open my mouth, I don't move over there, anymore. I solely stand there frozen.

Regardless of my movements, the people that were beckoning me to come into the water/goofing around, is currently standing in one place, observing the downing victim.

I should really say something, or help them.

They're supposed to be prying the abuser off of the person and everyone around them have this dull, blank, monotonous expression upon their features just like the doer whose face has morphed into...

Minjun's face...

His feature's accompanied by his signature smile plastered upon on him. Eyes closed and his lips spread out as if the person he's drowning isn't struggling to breathe.

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