Chapter 11: You Are My Lover For Life

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♥️Ch 11 (song/노래): American Money by Børns♥️

Italics= Korean speaking

Y/n's POV

Saturday 토요일 (toyoil)— - -
You look just like a crowned prince. Well, you technically are one in blood. If we were still in the Joseon era, I would try to be a courtesan just for you. Entertain you, tease you with my moves, make you sing along with me, begging for my attention.

What am I talking about?

His freckles I discovered once I was ogling him on that field trip. There's actual tiny, little dots sparkle on his cheekbones. Instead of them ruining his complexion, it solely heightens his appearance even more and my affection towards him grows because he's just as imperfect as me.

His oceanic, gray eyes merely makes him feel like he's from a dream, or a story. The way he stares at me, generates a warm sensation filling up my entire being. That sensation is something I want to cling onto and never leave my side. I solely yearn to cover myself in the same warmth and hibernate until the winter is over.

He's the perfect knight in shining armor. He's my knight.

His straight, black hair appears silky to the touch. I desire to run my hands in his strands as he relaxes in my grasp, allowing me to course my fingers in his head while he's up against my chest, permitting him to listen on my heartbeat.

I leisurely move my hands on my own hair, sensing my freshly cut strands had stop to my chin instead of my chest. All that time of taking care of my hair is gone because I had to survive. It was either let Bora toss me off the building or sacrifice my hair to get out of Bora's iron clasp.

My attention shifts over to a particular piece on his face. Smiling bitterly by it. I just want to rip it off of him because it simply ruins his own appearance.

Groans commences from the boy I'm observing. He begins to move around, gradually he lifts his head upwards to me. "You're finally up?" I question him that's when the realization kicks in and he immediately jumps on top of me.

He straddles my torso while his hands envelopes around my neck tightly, instantly cutting off my circulation. My own prince's endeavoring to kill me. Him? I—.... can't breathe. "If... you kill me... no one...will find you...ever again." I muster the words out. They're choppy and slow, despite this he comprehends what I said. Abruptly, I'm able to breathe again.

Coughing, my hands subconsciously rubs my assaulted part. I take back what I said about him not being able to hurt a fly. I was wrong. Contemplating back on the boy who's giving me the evil eye. "You're cute when you're not mean mugging me." I inform him, perceiving a scoff from him.

"Yeah, because you abducted me when I was getting off from work." Minjun mentions. I forgot about that. I don't say much after that. Minjun doesn't do anything except for analyzing our surroundings.

The room we're in is consisted of his king-sized bed that has black and grey bedding over it with brownish, tannish pillows. The bed frame is an mahogany wood hues, the headboard is small and grey. There's two lights clipped onto the headboard. The bed's placed in the middle of the room, a black rug is put underneath the bed. A monochromatic painting's hanging above the mattress whilst two bed tables are on the side of the bed.

The wallpaper of the room is a charcoal grey. Luckily, this room was ready for him. It took hours, months to get this room and the rest of the house restored. Although the kitchen and the other bedroom isn't completed. I still did a pretty good job restoring this house.

"I tried getting your room to your liking. I tried to patch up the walls, the ground, and wherever." I comment. His eyes moves back to me. Gosh, why do I feel so warm inside every time he stares at me? He's not going to open up at first not until he feels comfortable around me.

"I had to buy new furnitures for the bedroom, restore some of them. I know restoring and painting doesn't seem like a hobby of mines, however it is... I just stopped doing it because.. it used to be a father and daughter bond, my father used to be a carpenter. He owned his own business and one of us was supposed to take it after he retired. I thought being a carpenter was my passion... never mind I shouldn't be talking about my past life." I divulge.

Minjun's focus becomes more direct and harsh. He keeps on glaring at me or maybe he's attempting to match a voice to a face since I have a mask and a hat on me. Afraid, he might think of me in an execrable manner. "Is this some sort of ransom? If so, you already know who I am and who's my family—" I interrupt him, holding my hand upwards. Why would I want his money when I have something even better than cash, something that's irreplaceable.

"I don't want that filthy green." I wave my hand away. I never realize how cute he is when he's so clueless. "What? Did I do something to your boyfriend? Did my girlfriend do something to you?" He states, throwing accusations at me. He's so helpless.

Lifting my shoulders upwards then back down. "Yes, that so-called girlfriend of yours did do something to me, but that isn't the reason why you're here, nor is it none of your concerns." I tell him. He scoffs at the part I said it's none of your concerns. It really isn't, though. I will tell him eventually just not right away not until he feels better.

"Then what do you want from me?" He inquires the one question I've been waiting for him to say to me. The question I've always wanted to respond to. I've recited this whole scenario over and over again in my mind, now it's finally in fruition.

Crouching down to his eye level, automatically he advances backwards to create more distance between us, despite this I rest my hand on his cheekbone, feeling him flinch from my touch, cupping his cheek as I caress his bandaid with my thumb. Tilting my head to the side.

"Why do you always have a bandaid on you?" I blurt out, trailing my eyes over to his. There's something about him that just seems... right, he has terror in him, angry, curiosity, and more. A normal response to being kidnapped. "For fashion." He shrugs his shoulders, averting his eyes away from mines with my hand not able to touch his soft cheek.

"Fashion, huh." I take his head back into my grasp as I utilize my other palm to rip the
bandaid off of his cheekbone, soon enough, I notice a small cut on him. "I don't like your fashion sense. What happened to you by the way." I interrogate him even more.

"It's none of your concerns." He quotes me from earlier, I scoff by it, finding the whole statement amusing. Getting up off of the ground. I begin to stroll over to the door.

Stopping in place once I detect his soft, honey coated voice speak up. "You didn't answer my question earlier." I hum out by his statement, turning my body to face him directly. "What do you want with me? Why me, specifically?"

"Always wanting to know everything. Patience, my love. Patience." I mutter out. He put his head downwards, his eyes pondering on my last sentence. I observe him wondering for a bit to priorly amble out of the room.

He won't even know it was me that kidnapped him. I made sure he doesn't know because of my—

"Y/n?" The same masculine voice utters my name, which lead me to halt in my steps for a minute, allowing the realization to sink in. He keeps whispering my name over and over again to get my attention. Soon enough, I'm fatigued by it and continue to walk away. "Y/n! Please don't do this! Close. OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR!"

Pound pound pound

I rest my back up against the door, ripping my coverups off of me. My body begin to slide downwards on the ground, curling myself in a ball. He knows it's me. This is excellent, yet terrible news.

"Y/n, let me out. I know you're still on the door.... Do the right thing."

What is the right thing anymore?

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