Chapter 13: Expect The Unexpected

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A/n: Sorry strawbearies I've been busy with theatre rehearsal/ shows and school.

🤍Ch 13 (song/노래): Hostage by Billie Eilish💗

Italics= Korean speaking

Y/n's POV

Intersecting my legs with one another as my head tilts to my left. Observing the only man I have eyes for, spread out on the bed. His eyes are closed, his black hair lay out beneath him. He's the most attractive man I've ever noticed. It's like each time I spot him, I distinguish a new little feeling in me.

I sense myself falling back in love with him over and over again. One look from him makes my day, although one look by him produces iniquity, penitence, doubtfulness. My studies over him comes to an abrupt conclusion once he open his magnificent, oceanic, gray eyes.

Lifting his torso upwards to sit up correctly. "It's been awhile since you wanted to show your face." He speaks out, propping up a leg while the other one's straight out. He place his hands on the back of him, resting his weight on his arms and shoulders.

"Actually, I've been giving you food. I just haven't sat down with you for... five days." I mutter out. He hums at this.

"Was it because you were afraid of me? Why would a murderer like you be scared of me?" He says, spotting his death glare not going unnoticed. I'm ashamed of admitting that I was petrified of my prince. He honestly terrified me something about the way he was bloodthirsty, all of his pent up hatred and rage coming up.

Plus it was a hint of something else when I was coerced on the ground, being choked out. The helplessness, fearfulness seeping out of me. Gave him a kick, a rush, a thrill.

"I'm not a murderer I didn't kill Bora, she's just alive yet wound—" He scoffs at me. His expression display the same emotions I was talking about earlier except for amusement. "I'm in love with you. You see, how easy it is to lie, but do not lie about this." He gets off of his hands to priorly point towards me.

If only that was true about you were falling for me. I simply wish for you to be acknowledged by how strongly I feel for you. Saying those three precious words as a reward for my long, fatiguing day is enough for me.

"You leave me for days and you come to me saying my girlfriend isn't dead." He announces. Why do you sound a bit...

"I didn't leave you for days, I just— like I said earlier I didn't kill her, how am I supposed to prove to you that I didn't murder your.... girlfriend." I leap off of the bed and onto my feet, gritting my teeth, holding myself from criticizing his type of girls. She's not even the best girlfriend scratch that she's the worst significant lover, person to ever exist.

He spot this however he doesn't react towards this. Is that a good thing or... "Let me call her." Minjun answers. He's the one, now crossing his legs in front of me. My heart begins to beat in this incredibly rapid pace. Why am I so nervous? Maybe it's from his response.

Should I even permit him? I mean if he does something crazy like scream for help, give her some sort of code to allow him to escape and report me. I could go to jail for my obsession getting the best of me.

Perhaps I can turn off the gps, however how do I turn it off. I commence on searching the answer, even though I have one bar and my data's slower over here.

How to turn off the gps on call—

"You're deciding whether to trust me or not? I understand your skepticism. Look, you can't understand what I'm going through. I'm just worried about my loved ones. You would be too after hearing your captor said they killed them then turned around saying they didn't." He persuades me into looking into his perspective.

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