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"Careful, Mom," Derek said as he grabbed his mother's elbow as he led up the hill.

"I can't believe you're dragging me up the side of this hill," Mrs. Shepherd groaned.

"It's worth it," he promised. "And once we get everything built, there will be a driveway. But right now, walking."

"Derek, you do realize I'm approaching my seventies."

"You're still young," he laughed.

"Not young enough to make this climb."

"But young enough to go up to Brendan's tree house?"

"There was a ladder."

"The walk's not that bad, Mom," Derek shook his head, his hand still on her elbow.

"I'd still like to know exactly where you're taking me."

"You'll see."


"Mom, it's worth it," he promised. "I'm taking you...you keep saying you want me to build a house, don't you?"

"Well you can't live in that trailer forever," Mrs. Shepherd shrugged.

"No, I can't," Derek agreed. "It's not big enough to raise a couple kids."

"Of course not," Mrs. Shepherd shook her head. "Kids?"

"Kids," he grinned. "Meredith and I are thinking two. Two bedrooms on the other side of the house, with one by our room, of course."

"Oh..." Mrs. Shepherd nodded slowly.

"We've always wanted a boy and a girl," Derek murmured. "But we can't raise them in a trailer."

"No you certainly can't," Mrs. Shepherd shook her head. "I'm not sure how you manage two people in that thing."

"Very close quarters," he smirked.

"Derek Michael Shepherd."

"Sorry," he laughed. "Sorry. I realize that was inappropriate, and I'm sorry. But...are you ready?"

"Ready for what?"

"We're here."


"Our house," Derek grinned, stepping back from her towards the cliff. "Mine and Mer's. Well, not yet. But this is where it's going to be."

"Oh Derek..."

"I know," he nodded. "The master bedroom is going to have the best view. We're thinking a wrap around porch though...for barbeques and just...relaxing."

"That would be beautiful, dear."

"And there are going to be windows," he continued. "Lots of windows and French doors. Meredith wants hardwood floors, though now we're thinking maybe carpet in the bedrooms."

"Carpet would be best for the children," Mrs. Shepherd nodded.

"Probably for the dog too," Derek laughed. "Meredith decided last night we needed a swing set in the backyard, and we're going to have a swing on the porch, as corny as it sounds."

"The backyard will be away from the cliff, right?" Mrs. Shepherd asked. "Because that's not exactly perfect for small children."

"Opposite side of the cliff," he nodded. "They won't be playing anywhere near it."

"Good, because there is no way that's safe."

"I know it isn't, Mom," he rolled his eyes.


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