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"Oh man," Mark groaned as he walked up to Derek, "you wouldn't believe what I just heard."

"Dare I ask what?" Derek sighed, looking at the chart in his hands.

"Apparently I slept with Grey."

"Oh I did hear that," Derek laughed.

"And you're laughing?" Mark raised an eyebrow. "Some nurse asked me what kind of friend sleeps with his best friend's girlfriend...I had no idea what the fuck they were talking about."

"That's one of the more tame rumors going around," Derek shrugged. "Apparently having screaming matches in hallways leads to people talking."

"Which I'm pretty sure Addie warned you about," Mark nodded, leaning forward. "Not that I don't think Grey is hot...she is. A complete bitch, but hot."

"Definitely hot," Derek nodded.

"But I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole," Mark shrugged.

"Not that I would even want you to," Meredith's voice came from behind them.

"Grey," Mark groaned as Derek chuckled.

"Hey Meredith," Derek smiled.

"Derek," she smiled, putting her chart down. "And really, Mark, thank you for not touching me with a ten foot pole."

"It's really not a problem," Mark sighed, not meeting her eyes.

"So why are we talking about me being hot and touching me with a ten foot pole?" Meredith asked, her eyes sparkling as her lips turned upward into a slight smile.

"He just heard the rumor about you and him sleeping together," Derek laughed. "I was just about to tell him how I slept with Addie."

"No," Meredith shook her head. "I slept with Addie."

"Well so did I," Derek shrugged. "I'm just trying to figure out if that was before Mark and I did the Brokeback Mountain thing."

"Brokeback...what?" Mark frowned.

"Brokeback Mountain," Derek laughed. "You know that movie about the two gay cowboys?"

"No," Mark said gruffly. "The question is...why do you?"

"It was all people were talking about a couple of years ago."

"Right," Mark nodded slowly.

"I didn't actually see it," Derek sighed. "I just...know about it. And apparently, we lived it."

"I have it all figured out," Meredith giggled. "Addie was sleeping with both of us, she chose me over you, and you dealt with your pain by running to Mark."

"Was I drunk when I ran to Mark?" Derek asked.

"And was I passed out on the floor?" Mark demanded.

"Oh no," Meredith grinned. "Both completely sober."

"Mean," Derek frowned, shaking his head. "So mean."

"You're the one that took money out my bank account," she shrugged.

"Like you had money in your bank account," Mark rolled his eyes.

"I only did that because you killed my dog," Derek laughed, ignoring Mark's comment.

"Your imaginary dog," she giggled, leaning closer to him. "Have you heard the newest one?"

"There's a newest one?" he asked, ducking his head down closer to her.

"There's always newer ones," she smiled up at him. "Apparently I was madly in love with one of your sisters and that's the only reason I was with you."

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