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"No," Meredith snapped, staring at Derek, her hands on her hips. "You are a complete ass, Derek. A complete and total ass."

"Oh and you are such a joy to be around," Derek rolled his eyes. "A basket of happiness and delight."

"It's nice to know you're still cheesy," she shook her head. "Can I go now or do you want to embarrass me in front of a patient some more?"

"You can go," he nodded. "I don't actually expect you to stick around to talk."

"Oh don't give me that," she snapped. "I stuck around. I stuck around, Derek. I was trying to stick around. You're the one who left. You're the one who stayed at work all the time. You didn't talk. You didn't want to talk."

"Have you had a brain injury in the last twelve years? Because I quite remember begging you to talk."

"And I remember you being at work all the time. And the break up. Or did you forget the break up?"

"I wish I could forget that," he shook his head. "And work...intern, Mer, I was a fucking intern."

"That's nice," Meredith rolled her eyes.

"Why should I have even been home? So you wouldn't talk to me? Wouldn't let me touch you?"

"Because you promised to always show up! You promised. You said things and they weren't true. They weren't true, Derek. And you said things."

"I meant everything I said!" Derek snapped. "Until it got too damned impossible to show up."

"It wasn't impossible, you were just a lying son of a bitch bastard!"

"Twelve years and you still haven't figured out how bad it was."

"Twelve years and you're still an ass."

"I did what I had to do."

"No, you left because you couldn't...you're just an ass, Derek. You're a complete ass."

"I left because I loved you."

"Oh because that makes sense."

"Try watching the woman you love vanish before your eyes and you'll get it."

"You're so full of shit, Derek."

"I can't believe you still don't get it."

"I can't believe you're still trying to pretend you had a good reason. That you're still a good guy."

"No, Mer, I wasn't a good guy, I fucked up. I know that. But you're not a fucking saint."

"Then stop trying to act like it."

"Act like you're not the only injured party here."

"I don't act like that," she snapped. "But do you think I want to be here? Do you think I want to see you every day?"

"How the hell do I know what you think? I thought you loved me, I was damn wrong about that."

"You don't get to act like I didn't love you, Derek. I didn't want us to end. You did. You wanted us to end. You broke up with me. You let me walk out. So don't...don't act like I didn't love you. And for the record, I'd kill to not see you every day."

"I never wanted us to end," he hissed. "Ever."

"Bull shit."

"I wish it was, Mer. But when I met you...god, I was fucking done."

"And then you ended it."

"Because...Mer, you know why I did it."

"That doesn't change the fact that you did it," she shook her head. "That doesn't change the fact that you hurt me. So you don't get to embarrass me in front of patients. You don't get to act like you're the hurt party. You don't get to act like...you hurt me. You broke up with me. So stop moping. Stop it."

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