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"Well, there's no screaming," Mark pointed out as he put his key in the door. "That's a good sign. Unless there's moaning, then we're just back at square one."

"He swore he was going to do it today," Addison sighed. "She's probably already gone."

"Yeah, but you're not taking into account time for break up sex," Mark smirked as he swung the door open. "Break up sex is always a very important part of a break up."

"I really don't think they had break up sex," Addison frowned. "After everything..."

"Yeah, I know," Mark sighed, running his hand over his face. "Shep!"

"Where is he?" Addison asked, looking around the empty living room.

"Shep," Mark frowned, poking his head in Derek's bedroom. "Not in there."

"Derek? Are you here?"

"There's no blood," Mark shrugged before walking towards the closed bathroom door. "Shep, you in there? Get your girly ass out here."

"Hmmph..." a quite moan came from the other side.

"Shep," Mark frowned, opening the door quickly to reveal Derek curled in the fetal position on the floor, the entire bathroom smelling strongly of vomit. "Fuck, Addie!"

"Derek!" Addison gasped as she rushed into the bathroom. "Derek..."

"What the fuck," Mark breathed as he leaned down next to his friend. "Derek, man, what the hell?"

"Derek, wake up, come on, wake up," Addison murmured before turning to Mark. "Get me a cold wet cloth."

"Does he...his pulse...check his pulse," Mark whispered, staring at his friend.

"It's there," Addison nodded, running her hand along Derek's neck and then brushing his hair softly. "Derek, you need to wake up."

"Did he...Derek, man, wake the hell up," Mark said gruffly. "Come on."

"Mark, wet cloth. We need to get him up."

"Wet...wet cloth," Mark nodded, turning quickly to grab a washcloth and wet it just as Derek turned slightly and vomited onto the tile floor. "Fuck, Addie. What did he take? Did he...is there a note or...what the fuck did he take?"

"I don't know, I don't know," Addison shook her head. "But...he needs to wake up."

"Hospital," Mark murmured. "We...if he's...if he took something, he needs to get his stomach pumped or...damn it, Shep. Wake the fuck up."

"Derek, wake up," Addison murmured. "Please wake up. Mark...go look for...whatever did this. A bottle or something."

"Pills are still here," Mark said as he looked through the medicine cabinet. "Addie, we have to get him to a hospital. And call Mom and..."

"Me-dith," Derek suddenly mumbled.

"Derek?" Addison whispered, tearing her eyes away from Mark. "Derek, you have to wake up. You have to wake up, okay?"

"Mer..." Derek whispered, his eyes squeezing shut tighter than they had been.

"Son of a bitch," Mark suddenly growled. "He's drunk, Addison."

"Derek, what did you drink?" Addison asked.

"Mer...Mer," Derek groaned as he vomited again.

"Oh Der..." Addison sighed, rubbing his back. "It's okay."

"Tequila," Mark said as he reached behind the toilet for an empty tequila bottle. "He drank an entire fucking bottle of tequila, Addison."

"That's...he hates tequila and a whole bottle, that's...." Addison shook her head. "Derek, is the tequila all you had?"

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