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"I know you're tired, Mer," Derek sighed as he opened the door of the bar for them. "But you did tell Izzie and Denny we'd meet them for a couple of drinks."

"That was eight hours ago," Meredith groaned. "Before the surgery from hell. They'll get it. Let's just...home. Home and cuddling and...fun things. We can do fun things after sleep."

"We can do all that after a drink of two," he laughed.

"Mean," she pouted. "You're so mean. The meanest. You do paperwork all day and I have surgeries from hell and you're mean. Completely mean."

"You love me," he smirked.

"Not when you're mean."

"Oh you love me when I'm mean."

"No, I really don't," she shook her head. "I'm reconsidering this whole love you thing."

"Now who's being mean?"

"I can be mean. You were mean first."

"Taking you to a bar isn't exactly mean."

"Taking me to a bar when I want to be home is mean."

"You're the one that made the plans," he shrugged.

"You're the one that's making me keep the plans," Meredith groaned as she looked around the bar. "Where's Izzie?"

"Oh...ummm...." Derek frowned slightly. "I don't know."

"Seriously?" Meredith sighed. "Home. We're going home. Because if she's not even going to come..." She paused as she did a double take towards a booth near the back of the bar. "Is that..."

"That...yeah...I think so," Derek murmured.

She paused, her eyes going wide as the dark haired Grey, Lexie, stood up, waving to them and then suddenly, she was hitting Derek, hard. "Seriously?" she exclaimed. "Seriously. Time, Derek. I said time. I said things and you said things which...and this is...ambush. This is an ambush. I thought the other thing was...but this...seriously? Seriously."

"But...she's....how...why do you think I did something?"

"Because Izzie's not here," she frowned. "Izzie's not here and you were so...you made me come. I wanted to go home and you made me come and Izzie's not here and we're late. We're late and she's here. And she's waving. Waving, Derek. Which means you set this up. You set this iup and this is an ambush and...seriously, Derek? Seriously." Her palms made contact with his bicep.

"Stop hitting me," he frowned. "I just...you should at least talk to her."

"I'm not going to stop hitting you! You said you'd give me time. You said and I said...we agreed. I just need to and you...I can't believe this, Derek. I can't...no. No, I don't have to talk to her. I'm not...we're not...leaving. We're leaving right now. Or I'm leaving and you're staying because you...you said things."

"Meredith, neither of us are leaving," Derek shook his head. "You have to do this."

"No, Derek. No I don't. Because I said I needed time. I said that. And this is a complete and total ambush. What gives you the right to do this? What gives you the right to ambush me with this? After I said things...I let you in. I'm not avoiding. You don't...no. I don't have to do this. I'm not going to do this. And you...you can sleep at the trailer tonight."

"What? No. I'm...first, this wasn't entirely me. Actually it was Izzie's idea. And...it's not an ambush. It's a...your at the bar. Just...Mer, this isn't an ambush. It's just...talk to her," he sighed.

"I hate you. And Izzie. And your stupid ambushes."

"You don't mean that."

"Right now I do. Because we agreed."

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