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"You eat a lot of trout, don't you?" Meredith smiled as she carried a couple of plates onto the makeshift deck outside Derek's trailer.

"It's free food," Derek shrugged.

"Because you're hurting for money," she rolled her eyes.

"I am," he nodded. " And I like trout."

"You're hurting for money, seriously?"

"Yes, Mer," he rolled his eyes. "Neurosurgeons are paid with peanuts."

"That's funny. I seem to remember my last paycheck paying the bills."

"What? They're giving you money?"

"I know, it's shocking," she giggled.

"I had no idea they gave some surgeons money," he shook his head.

"Of course you didn't. You bought forty acres with peanuts."

"I did," he nodded. "It was a great deal."

"You're an idiot," she rolled her eyes as she brought the wine outside.

"When I build that house I'm going to build it with peanuts."

"You should consider stopping talking."

"Oh you're no fun."

"My ex boyfriend found out I almost burnt down my kitchen and is now cooking for me out of pity," Meredith sighed. "No fun here."

"But at least you get to eat."


"You should be grateful."

"I'm completely grateful," she smiled. "Pizza every night was getting expensive."

"I can imagine," he nodded.

"But still...my ex boyfriend is now cooking for me and...tough week," she sighed.

"Tough week?" he asked. "Need to talk about it?"

"I'm fi..." Meredith paused as she looked up at him "It was work. And the burning kitchen thing. And Brad's dating again, which actually is great for him but...and work. Mostly work. And things on...and I swear every guy in the hospital has hit on me."

"Every guy was hitting on you?" he laughed softly.

"I can't figure it out," she smiled slightly. "It's like...I can't move without some guy offering to me drinks or cat calling or...something."

"That's...odd," he laughed harder.

"Stop laughing," she giggled.

"I just...I can just imagine the look you must get on your face."

"It's really not funny, Der," she giggled even more.

"It kind of is."

"Okay, maybe a little," she smiled, taking a deep breath as she poured him a glass of wine.

"You going to be okay?" he murmured.

"I'll be okay," Meredith nodded. "It was just...one of those times when everything's happening at once."

"Wine helps," he smiled softly.

"Yeah," she murmured, taking a sip of wine.

"So Brad's dating."

"Brad's dating," she nodded. "Which is good for him. It is."

"Makes you feel like shit?"

"Maybe a little."

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